Soundtrack for your backseat

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Max and neil be sad together. Thats what you need in life. A sad buddy. SOMEONE GIVE ME A SAD BUDD-
Short explanation: neil sits on dock. Neil crys. Max comes over and just sits there cause you think sad coffee boy knows how to deal w emotions? Max plays the calmest song he knows and they vibe and cuddle cause <33
Tws:crying,trauma, swearing
<<~max's pov~>>
I walked out of Neil and I's shared tent and drowsily stumbled around for a bit. I woke up after my melatonin didnt work so I decided to just walk around until morning. I moved over to exploring the forest id been in so many times before, and heard all the familiar sounds besides the birds. Judging off that its most likely close to fuckin 3. The moon illuminated the areas surrounding me and crickets chirped. The moss squised under my worn shoes(which didnt feel pleasant. They were fucking soaked) as i heard a sound never heard in this area before. A form of soft weeping? I followed the sound to my favourite place in this hellhole, the docks sticking out from camp campbells expanded land. The nerd called neil sat at the end of the spruce planks, crying awkwardly quiet.
I simply muttered "what the fuck do i do" to myself and noone else.

<<~neils pov~>>
I sat head down at the dock, the lake below me collecting tears as if they were its water. I dont know what im pussy-ing over. I find it stupid to cry, noone else does. They arent wimpy nerds. I heard footsteps aproach me, and a couple years ago the first thing id do is run. I still usually would, come to think of it, besides the immunity to it at this point. I seemed to stay glued to the wood. A figure sat beside me, and i didnt bother look up. I didnt want to know who it was. They grabbed a bright object from their presumed pocket and started playing a song.
The songs lyrics stayed unimportant as the simple melody kept my focus. I looked at the person, recognizing max immediately. Shit.

I froze when his blue hoodie came into view, and attempted to avert my sight back to the lake yet they stay glued to maxs black curls. He kept looking forward, refusing to look over at me.

You never want to go home
Somedays you always feel alone
Truth be told
My home's whenever you're around

The lyrics rang in my ears, meaning nothing but representing something.
After what seemed like hours of no words exchanged between us two, max finally looked at me.
"...what happened?"
I stared him in the eyes, tears threatening to fall. He looked away, but seemed to stay focused at the same time.
"This is the one time i dont have an answer."
(#i started this literally a year and a half agooo)
He shuffled over to me, grabbing my shoulders and turning me around. When his arms wrapped around me i melted into his embrace, sobbing into his shoulder as he rubbed circles onto my back. We sat there for however long, the song he had put on ending abruptly and his releasing me. I look away as he grabbed my hand and dragged me back to our shared tent.

563 cause honestly i forgot i started this book not even lying

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