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Wee woo maxneil????? Yeah???? Idek man

Genre: Fluff
Ages: ages in de show
Ship: maxneil.................mhm
Ex: Neils scared of being even a little 'feminine' , so max is like 'fuck that' and like does his makeup and does stuff considered feminine to him that he was scared to do

<<~Maxy mons pov(wtf is that nickname)~>>
It was about 7 AM, Nikki overly energetic as always and having a weird ass conversation with Neil. I took a sip of my coffee, tuning out mainly everything either of them said until Nikki mentioned giving Neil a 'makeover,' in wilds words.
"Fuck that Nikki, I cant even wear makeup."
Neil said in a weirdly embarrassed tone.
"Whyyyyy Neil???? You'd look good"
"One, it's feminine and as long as im around people no feminine stuff for me. 2, it would probably make me break out."
The first thing Neil said caught me way off guard.
"Break out of what?"
"Youre a dumbass Nikki. Also, Neil where the fuck did you get that mindset? Arent you the smart one here?"
Nikki seemed clueless and Neil seemed confused about what i had just said.
"What exactly do you mean, Max?"
I looked at him with the blankest fucking expression ever.
Nikkis eyes lit up as she darted away, going to tear some kid apart or something I dont know and I dont care.
"Come with me you fucking nerd."
I grabbed Neils wrist and walked outside the back door of the cafeteria cabin thing, going to find Ered.

<<~Neils pov~>>
Max dragged me outside, his grip strong on my wrist. He suddenly stopped directly in front of Ered, gaining an awkward and confused look from me.
"Yo Ered, can I use your makeup and shit?"
He spoke, making me even more baffled.
"Sure dude, its all in that black box under my bed. Has my name on it."
I got tugged behind Max as he walked to Ereds tent, throwing me on her bed when we got there. I looked at him confused as he threw the aforementioned box beside me and opened it.
He grabbed my hand and compared it to a bottle of beige liquid he held, nodding to himself and tossing it on the mattress beside me on the opposite side of the one he was on(that wasn't wordy sure man).
"Do you like eyeliner?"
".......On you yeah,why?"
I replied, looking away from him.
"No reason."
There obviously was a reason, i could figure it out but why would i put in the effort.
"Your favourite colours yellow, right?"
Max asked.
"Yeah, yellow and blue."
Although i only liked the shade of blue his sweater was. I dont really like other shades.

Max grabbed my face, turning me towards him. I felt my face hear up as he came closer, and felt confused when i felt a cold liquid drip onto my forehead. I opened my eyes to realize he was putting makeup on me.
He shushed me, putting his finger up to my lip.
He started putting eyeliner on me, and put some sortve powder on my face. He then grabbed my hand and held it in his, putting some type of oil on my fingernails???
"What in the hell"
"It like hydrates your nails or some shit, idk man im not a fucking nail vlogger"
He started painting my nails yellow, doing my thumb last. He grabbed my opposite hand and painted the nails blue, instructing me to not move my hands or 'the paint will get more messed up than fucking Nurf in a millisecond.'  He grabbed a mirror, shoving it in my face.
My cheeks were pink, and my acne wasnt visible anymore. Small eyeliner was in the outer corner of my eye, and my lips were weirdly shiny.
I didnt want to admit i didnt dislike how i looked.
I like how my face looks, but the eyeliners is definitely too much for me... i dont like it. Although the nails.... I like them.
I repeated what i had just said to myself in my head, not lying in the hopes he might do this again for me.... If he was willing to, i guess. Max grabbed me and wiped off the eyeliner with his fingers, instructing me to close my eyes and applying some of that beige fluid over my eyes.
"Beautiful. Now cmon fucker, we need to go catch Nikki"

752 words
I wrote this in like 30 mins
Its 1 AM
and i still hafta edit
Actually fuck that
I capitalized names but not i, sue me

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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