Chapter 49

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Morning came way too soon, and Kate walked down the stairs smelling fresh brewed coffee. She strolled into the kitchen stretching herself to life and yawning. At the table sat Soobin. He'd been sitting there for some time with his wrist bent under his chin just thinking over the events of last night. How him and Gyu had gotten into a fist fight. It always seem to come down to that these days. It disturbed him how Gyu just doesn't leave things alone. His demons are those for him to suffer alone, and Kate is the only one who could silence them. Kate is the only one who can fan the flames in this living, tormented hell. But Gyu didn't need to know that. The more Gyu knew, the worse the battle. It was bad enough fighting with his friend. And on top of that....RED. Enter Kate. She looked so adorable in her leopard printed pajamas. Not as sexy as her red satin shorts, but hell, she could wear a potato sack and he'd find her sexy. How lucky Gyu was to snuggle up to her last night! The thought of it made him sick to his stomach. It made his skin crawl, and his grip of his cup of coffee tighten. Kate ran the fingers of her left hand through her hair, yawning once more. 'Damn! She's beautiful! I've got to make her mine. All I've ever wanted was to wake up next to her. Kiss her good morning. Cuddle under the covers. Just love her. She stole my heart many moons ago, and I've been lost and drowning ever since.' Kate made her way over to the counter not even acknowledging him. But she did see him. He grumbled as she poured coffee into her cup, "Good morning to you, too, Kate." She kept her back to him and closed her eyes. Her chin dropped to her chest and she exhaled, "Soobin, please. It's too early for this." He was on fire. With her standing behind him, it was making him crazy. He couldn't understand why she kept denying what's happening between them. He asked, "How are we to satisfy our needs when you keep letting Gyu in?" She banged a fist on the counter top, snapping, "Let Gyu in! He's my fiancé, so yes, I'll let him in! If you wanted to be with me you should have been a man years ago and said something!" That struck the wrong nerve with him. He pushed his chair back roughly and knocked the cup of coffee out of her hand, and it splattered onto the floor. He jerked Kate around to face him by the upper part of her arms, kicked the chair out of his way. She shrieked. In one swift motion he had her flat on the back on the table, hovering over her. He growled, "Woman, what was that you said?" Tae was coming down the back stairs, after hearing all the ruckus. He assumed Soobin was ranting and raving again until he heard Kate's voice. Kate stood up to Soobin. She was growing tired of his monstrous ways. She balked back, "I said if you loved me, you should have man up years ago and said something!" That earned her a slap across the face. She flinched feeling the sting on her cheek. Then he grabbed her jaw, resting his forehead to hers, "I'm so sorry, Kate." He whispered. Then he kissed her mouth hard. She tried to fight him off, but he was too strong. He stated, "Isn't me saying I love you enough? How much pain are you going to keep putting me through?" She saw the tears surface in his eyes. She admitted, "Soobin, you can't love me. You're only torturing yourself." He blinked. A stab to the heart. It just didn't pierce, it went straight through. A tear fell, "You honestly think I'm doing this to myself? I told last night I love you, Red. How is that torturing myself? Can't you just love me in return? Give me something. I need something to know that I'm not alone here." He dropped his head into the crook of her neck. God she smelled so good. So vanilla. So warm. Just one little taste. He suckled the skin that was bare there. She felt wet lips then teeth. She squeezed her eyes shut. Dear God he was ravishing her right here with Gyu upstairs. Did he not have any decency? What was his problem? She squirmed under him, pushing him with all her might, "Get off of me." But he didn't budge. He was solid pressed against her. Soobin quickly grabbed her arms, holding them together above her head with one hand. His eyes pierced hers, "Stop fighting me, Red. It's only exciting me more, and you know how the fight thrills me." Her eyes shifted to his mouth. Why the hell was she zooming in on his mouth? Those lips. They were possessive yet tender. They destroyed her yet beckoned her. No matter how much she fought him, he was stronger. She turned her bottom lip up inside her mouth. She could taste his kiss. Coffee with a hint of caramel. He half grinned, "You're thinking about it too. We can finish this right here or take it to my room." His free hand moved over her hip, gliding lower and in between them. She shook her head, "Please no," she pleaded. The tips of his fingers were just inside the waistband of her bottoms, "I bet you're flooding. I can see the embers burning in your eyes." She argued, twisting her hips away from his roaming fingers, "You're dreaming. The only fire I have burning is for Cookie." He replied close to her mouth, "We're fixing to find out about that. If you don't give a rats ass about me, you'll be as dry as the desert. But we both know every time we're this close you're drenched." When her lips gaped open, he kissed her to prove his point as his fingers came in contact with her slick haven. Her eyes fluttered shut as he delved a finger up inside her. Just as he thought. He pulled back and withdrew his hand, his finger damp with her juices. Just like before he put his index finger into his mouth, sucking it, "Yummm...." He looked at her with hooded eyes as he pulled his finger out, "You lied to me, Red. I want more." He moved off of her, releasing his hold on her. And just as she was about to move, his reflexes were quicker. He grabbed ahold of her ankles, and pulled her roughly to the edge of the table. She shrilled, "No!" Tae stepped out of the shadows. He'd heard and seen enough. It bothered him to see his friend manhandling Kate. He raised his his voice startling them both, "Wtf is wrong with you!? When a woman says no, she means no!" He pulled Soobin away from her by the shoulder blade. He looked at her and motioned with his head, "Get out of here," he snapped. Tae really didn't mean speak so harshly to her, but he was  hurt at what had taken place. And he knew Gyu would be pissed. Kate jumped to her feet and ran out of the room in haste. This clearly did not happen this morning. She was running up the stairs when she almost collided into Gyu. When he reached out to stop her, she fell into his arms. She cried, "I should've gone home. All I wanted was coffee." Tae turned to Soobin, "Wth, man?!" Soobin knocked his friend's hand off of him feeling sexually frustrated, "I can't stand it anymore. I'm tired of hiding it." Tae stated in a hush tone through gritted teeth, "Well you sure as hell can't go about it this way. What if I'd been Gyu? Then what, Soobs? Wasn't the incident at the club enough for you? Damn! You're never going to get her if you break her!" He came running out after her, "Kate, I didn't mean to snap at you." He saw Gyu, holding Kate in his arms on the stairs. Gyu looked at his silver haired friend while he consoled his fiancée, "What is going on?" Tae covered for Soobin. There was no way he could even mention what he saw or even heard to Gyu. Kate would have to do that. He raked a hand through his hair and sugar coated it with a lie, "Soobs startled her. That's all. You know it is." Gyu's eyes narrowed at his friend's response. He wasn't buying it. Startling her would not have brought on the tears. Gyu grimaced, "I will get to the bottom of this. Come on, Kate. I'll bring some coffee to you." She slipped away heading back to Gyu's room.

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