Bonus Chapter ✨

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"Axton from this day forward do you choose Lela to be your wife, your best friend and your only love? To live together, play together, and laugh together; to work by her side and dream in her arms; to fill her heart and feed her soul; to always seek out the best in her; Always love her with all your heart, until the end of forever? If so, say "I do," the wedding officiant said.

I looked at my bride standing in front of me full of love and light. "I do. For always and ever." I added as I squeezed her hands gently. Her eyes were full with love and happiness. I vowed to myself I would always make sure she would always have that look.

"Lela from this day forward do you choose Axton to be your husband, your best friend and your only love? To live together, play together, and laugh together; to work by his side and dream in his arms; to fill his heart and feed his soul; to always seek out the best in him; Always love him with all your heart, until the end of forever? If so, say "I do," the wedding officiant repeated to her.

Her eyes never left mine. "I do. For always and ever." Her smile was radiant, I wanted to kiss her right then and there.

"I now pronounce Axton and Lela, Husband and Wife. You may now seal your promise with a kiss."

I slid my hands up her arms and cupped her face. Not waiting a moment I leaned down and kissed her deeply pouring my heart, love and soul into it. Her hands were on my chest right above my heart which she owned. This amazing woman, my wife, held my life in her hands.

Cheers broke out around us as we kissed and we pulled apart with huge smiles on our faces. We walked towards our family and friends and they hugged each of us saying congrats over and over.

I couldn't be happier than this moment, right here.

Holding my wife's hand, being surrounded by loved ones, we were starting our future together now as husband and wife till forever.

I got out of the limo first once we reached our house and grabbed Lela's hand to help her out. We were tired and worn out. After the wedding we had a shit load of photos taken before we went to the reception to have a small party. We drank, laughed and danced the night away. We didn't do a traditional dance, we just grabbed our friends and danced like idiots while laughing.

I couldn't keep my eyes off Lela the whole night. Each smile and laugh files warmth through me. I had noticed that she didn't really drink much but I figured she was tired and worn out and didn't want to get drunk stupid like everyone else.

The moment we got close to the door I scooped her up and carried her across the threshold. Her head rested against my chest as she snuggled in close. I carried her all the way to the bedroom and gently placed her on the bed.

I lean down and kiss her. Her hands ran up my stomach to my chest and pushed me away, shocking me. I looked down at her stunned. "Are you okay, babe?" Fuck, I hope she wasn't regretting this. Us. Me.

"Yeah," she said with a sly smile. "I just have a surprise for you." She grabs my hand and leads me to the end of bed and pushes me to sit down. "Stay, I'll be right back," she whispers in my ear.

"Yes ma'am"

She laughs as she leaves the room and I get excited. I wonder what the surprise is. Maybe some sexy lingerie she's going to change into. Before I could conjure up some dirty thoughts she was walking back towards me with a box in her hands.

"Did you buy some kinky toys, wife?" I tease her. "Normally I'd be down to try it but since it is our wedding night, I'm not really wanting to share you with some rubber dicks." I laugh as she narrows her eyes at me.

"Maybe I bought you a blow up doll for the times you piss me off and ain't getting any?" She smirks. For a moment I almost believed she did buy one.

That would never happen. With the blow up doll at least. I know I'll piss her off eventually like I have before, which was not on purpose. Like when I tossed an old worn out shirt and pants into a garbage bag of clothes to toss out. She claimed those were her comfort clothes and to never fucking touch them again. She had grabbed them from the bag and put them back with her clothes. I have learned my lesson and left her shit alone.

"Like fuck I'll ever use a doll. Even if I'm in the dog house I can wait," I tell her. If she did buy that it would be a waste of money.

I would just give it to Marc, he could have fun with it.

She smiles as she hands me the box. Once I'm holding it she begins to slowly undress and she has my attention way more than the box does. Couldn't the gift wait? I wanted my wife instead.

I watched as the white dress slid down her body, before it dropped around her feet, exposing her white bra and underwear. My eyes trailed over her body as she stood in front of me almost naked and I groaned. She was beautiful and all I wanted to do was grab her and kiss her senseless. Just as I was about to touch her she slapped my hand.

"Open it."

Huh? Open what? I looked down and saw the box in my hand. Why was she torturing me? I look back up at her to see her pointing at the box. She was biting her bottom lip trying to contain her smile. She was lightly bouncing on her toes in excitement and now she had me curious with her reaction.

Not wanting to waste anymore time so I could get back to my soon to be very naked wife. I rip the lid off and look inside. What I see shocks the fuck out of me I don't move. My mind was blank as I read the words on the shirt inside. A baby shirt. A baby shirt that said 'I can't wait to meet you daddy.'

Daddy.... I-I was going to be a daddy.

A pregnancy test at the bottom confirmed that with a positive sign on the screen. Holy shit. Inside was also a tiny little pair of white baby shoes. They were so small.

A baby. Her baby. My baby. Their baby.

Holy fuck. My hands shook slightly as I continued to grip the box.

I noticed I haven't moved or said anything so I looked up at her slowly. "You're pregnant?" I whisper, scared that this just might be a fucking dream.

Her smile was so soft and loving. "I'm pregnant," she assures me.

"You're pregnant?... you're pregnant?!," I yell out enthusiastically. My heart was pounding, threatening to jump out of my chest. We were going to have a baby.

I still almost couldn't believe it. Yet there it was in my hands all the proof I needed.

"You're going to be a dad!" She says just as enthusiastically, her eyes watering as she smiles crazily.

God I love her so fucking much.

I quickly drop to my knees in front of her and place my hands on each side of her belly. She runs her hands through my hair as I rub my thumbs against her smooth skin.

"I love you," I say to her before I lean in and kiss her stomach gently. Just below my lips was our baby growing inside of the woman I love.

"I love you too."

I was wrong earlier. I could be happier. So much happier. I had married the love of my life just hours ago and now I was going to become a dad.

This was everything I wanted.

And all it took was one look at her to know she was the one.
The one I would love forever; the one I would grow old with. And the one I would have a family with to spoil and love.

For always and ever.

The End


*I have to admit this was a bit hard to write only because I kept writing in 3rd person instead of 1st lol. So I'm sorry if there are some mistakes. How did you like it?

Thank you for reading Instantly Hers and giving it some love. I'm going to be editing it soon as there needs to be a fair bit of it done lol.

I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day!

Written on February 14th 2022. 3 years after the epilogue. Finished this book December 12 2018.
My first book lol.

-V xoxx

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