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Contains sexual content

This chapter will be longest
as it has the date in it.


Arriving at the private beach I rented out for the night, I open the car door to help Lela out.

As she looks around I hear her let out a small gasp.
"Do you like it?" I ask her. I hoping the gasp means she does but it could mean it's too much also. Fuck it's making me nervous, as I wait for her to say yes or no.

"Axton, I love it! You didn't have to do all this but thank you it amazing!" she says looking around, taking it all in. I rented out the private beach and Marcus and myself set everything up.

There was a large gazebo, that had those little lights, hanging all around it. A small table with two chairs sat underneath and a red table cloth sat on top which hosted a vase with assorted flowers.

I made us steaks, potatoes and veggies for our dinner, and a caesar salad for our starter. Our dessert consited of carrot cake, which she told me was her favorite. There was also a small radio, that played music for us in the background.

Walking towards the gazebo, there was a walkway made of rose petals and tea lights on both side.

She quickly turns to me, throwing her arms around my neck and kisses me. I pull her closer to deepen the kiss, but then I remember I was supposed to try and act like a gentleman, so I pull away and grab her hand to walk us to our table.

Everything was going great. We sat there, talking for hours, telling stories of our past and laughing about them. Learning everything we could from each other, it couldn't have been better. But before I knew it, it was already 9 and I knew I had to drop her off soon, which I didn't like.

A slow song came on the radio, when I thought of one last thing to end this date with. A dance.
Standing up, I hold my hand out for hers. "Dance with me," I tell her as she places her hand in mine.

Pulling us out from under the gazebo, we stand on the beach, the moonlight shining on us. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and places her head on my chest, right above my heart. Right where she belongs, I thought, as I wrap my arms around her, placing them on her lower back. Swaying side to side, we listen to waves hit the beach as the music plays faintly behind us.

She stops to look up at me, and laces her fingers in hair. Staring in each other's eyes, I can see her eyes start to dilate. Her breathing picks ups as I start running my hand up and down her back as she slightly tug my hair, making me let out a low groan.

Placing my face in crevice of her neck, I gentle blow and it causes her to shiver. Moving my hands down, I run them over the curves of her ass while I kiss her neck, finding her sweet spot making her let out a quite moan. I continue to leave the lightest kisses over her neck to tease her. Drive her mad with want like she does to me.

Lifting my head, her eyes hold desire and lust. Fingers still tangled in my hair she pulls me down and kisses me. Our lips, moving together in sync, kissing slowly and passionately. It was like we had all the time in the world, which we did. I tug on her bottom lip, biting it and she opens up so I can slide my tongue inside her mouth. Out tongues move together in its our dance, she tugs my hair harder deepening the kiss. Her body leans into mine, and I can feel her chest pushed firmly against mine, her hard nipples rub against my chest has me making a noise in the back of my throat.

Moving my hands to her hips, I pull her lower body against mine and she start to move her hips side to side, purposely rubbing against my already hard member.

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