This Is a Fucking Nightmare.

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So, Inuyasha and Serena have finally hooked up with each other. They both had real feelings together. So, they allowed themselves to speak openly about it and wanting to see where their newfound relationship could go. But now they have plans to meet later on tonight, but after they both deal with their parent's drama or whatever it is they wished to talk about with them, they could sneak away and have each other for the rest of the night. So, let's begin where I left off at enjoy.

So, Izyoie told her mystery man that it might be best for the kids to meet at a diner or something of the sorts. So, Kenji agreed and said there was this special place he has taken his kids too for years now it would be the perfect spot for introducing there kids too each other and telling them the new together.

Izyoie agreed and then hung up the phone. Soon as Kenji was off the phone or well Sam already knew he was dating this other woman already, but Serena knew nothing of what to expect from her dad, but she suspected that he was dating someone else but that never seem to want to care what he was doing. 

"So, as he told them both to get dressed and ready for this meeting, he really wanted them to meet someone special to him. Shortly not long afterwards they arrived at the beach at their favorite place to eat. It was small yet not crowded either. 

As Izyoie pulled her car up to the place. She was talking to Inuyasha in the car. "Now please Inuyasha, be nice and try and be a good boy for me at least, Can you do that for your old mom? Asked Izyoie" pleading with him to give her new guy a chance he gathered. 

"Fine...! I mean, I know that your seeing someone finally after all these years since dad, but seriously mom, what's to tell really what's this meeting really about? Asked Inuyasha" curiously. 


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"Inuyasha....! Please just keep an open mind alright, Now let's go inside, Said Izyoie" serious tone voice.

As Inuyasha went silent but then smelt Serena's scent around here. "He wondered was she here too? Was she following him, how cute he thought she was stocking him?

As he entered the room and then asks the host for the Tsukino came out of Izyoie's mouth. As this left Inuyasha's blood cold all of suddenly, That's Serena's family's last name.

As Kenji stood up from his chair when he seen his new wife approaching them all. As Serena turned around as she was staring at the ocean when she heard her dad speak up, she's here.

Soon...! Kenji and Izyoie walked right up to each other's faces and kissed each other in front of every one of their kids. As Inuyasha's eyes locked onto Serena's face who also shared his look of horror like they had stepped out of a horror film or a bad dream.

"Dad...! Spoke up Serena's voice finally finding her voice. As He looked back at her she managed to try and hide her emotions like she does with everything else whenever they would talk. As Kenji looked back over at his daughter's eyes. 

What happens when you fall in love with your own step-sibling.Where stories live. Discover now