Sweet Dreams

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

I smile at all the singing students gathered around me, taking in their own smiling faces as they sway back and forth, holding hands and linking together in a circle around me.

"Happy birthday, dear Mister Baldi... Happy birthday to you..."

As they draw to a finish, I clap my hands together in applause. "That was fantaaastic! Thank you so much, children!"

"We love you, Mister Baldi," They chorus together, continuing to sway back and forth. Delighted, I clap my hands again and gaze around the chain of children.

"Now, who would like to blow out the candles?"

"Oh!" MC raises their hand with a grin devoid of any of their usual shyness. "May I do it, Professor?"

"Of cooourse! Come along, now!"

The next thing I know I'm able to see myself from above, almost like an out-of-body experience. I lay on the table, cheerful even with a whole ring of burning candles in my stomach. My clothes are rather rumpled and slightly torn. Cracks line my skin, too, showing hints of brown- the treat waiting underneath.

MC stands by the table, smiling back at me as they bounce on their feet.

"Now, close your eyes and make a wish, Professor Baldi!"

"You got it!" I close my eyes, thinking hard about my wish- the only thing that comes to mind is that everyone enjoys the cake. When MC blows out all the candles everyone cheers, then I open my eyes and sit up. "Alright, now lets have some cake."


I pull my ruler out of nowhere, making sure the edges nice and sharp before I begin cutting slices of cake out of my torso. "Yummy, yummy! Principal, could you help hand these out to the kids?"

"Of course, Baldimore," The Principal replies, smiling and helping me cut myself up into equal servings and then handing plates out to the kids. Everyone eats the delicious chocolate cake happily, and I watch over them with a gleeful smile of my own.

"I'm so happy that my wish came true!" I chirp, drawing a curious hum from the Principal.

"Your wish?" He asks, cutting through his own slice of cake and fondant with his fork and biting into it.

"For everyone to enjoy the cake, of course!"

He chuckles. "Oh, Baldimore, that's just like you! You even use your own birthday wish to make others happy... Ah! Speaking of which, you need a slice, too!"

I wait patiently as he lifts my ruler and cuts through my cheek, laying a generous slice on a plate and handing it to me with a fork. "Happy birthday, Baldimore!"

"Thanks, Principal!" I take the plate and fork, scooping up some cake and popping it into my mouth. "Mmm! That's delicious!"


Baldi's Basics in Baking and Birthday PreparationWhere stories live. Discover now