Adopted (EO)

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Summery: you get adopted
Age: 7
TW: none
y/n pov:
'hi i'm y/n my parents had me when they were 14 and 16 so they gave me up the day I was born and the day of my 4 birthday I lost all hopes on getting adopted' but today i'm getting adopted by a woman called....well i don't exactly know her name yet, but i'm so excited and nervous. i'm 7 and it's hard for girl with ADHD and social anxiety to get adopted,  i was adopted once, but then the family moved away and I got back to the system. yeah, it was rough, so i have to make a good impression on my new mother

"y/n y/l/n, could you please come to my office, your new parent is here for you" mrs.Anderson said through the speakers
My leg started shaking as I walked out of my 'old room'

i get my suitcase, say goodbye to Maddie my best friend and big sister we got into the adoption centre  three years apart and when she got here she was five when I got here I was newborn and she was 8, so she took the roll as big sister , we're 8 years apart but that didn't stopped us to spend pretty much all day together, well except from today...

"Mrs.Anderson , have you seen Maddie?" i ask the adoption center owner but before she could answer i hear a voice shouting from behind me
"Y/N/N" i know that voice. i turn around and see Maddie running like her life depends on it. "Mads!" i run and hug her
"i'm so happy for you" she says in the hug, we both start to cry "why can't you come with me we can sleep in the same bed I can share with you" i say still in the hug. "no you know I can't , but enjoy your family, i'll get mine soon, just don't forget about me" she whispers the last part and i pull out the hug and face her "I could never forget my big sister"
"Pinky promise?" i say holding my pinkie out "pinky promise" she replies putting her pinkie around mine.

"excuse me, y/n?" someone behind Maddie  said, she turns around and i move to the side so i can see. it was my social worker and a beautiful woman. i looked at Maddie and she had a shocked face and I didn't understand why.

"hello, one of you must be y/n? I'm Elizabeth" She said. "yeah, that would be me" i stepped forward so i was a little in-front of Maddie. "hi y/n, i'm the woman adopting you" she says with a smile. . i think i was silent for too long because Kie nudged me and hinted towards Elizabeth, telling me to say something. "that's great, it's good to meet you" i say smiling.

she seemed happy i wasn't too nervous or uncomfortable in this situation, because she kept smiling at me. "well my car is outside, so do you want to go?" she asks politely. "yeah of course, but if i could just a second" i say turning to Maddie "i love you Mads" i say going into a hug "i love you too y/n/n!" we pull out of the hug "enjoy your new mom now go she is waiting!" she says pushing me towards Elizabeth i give her one last wave goodbye, then i go with the social worker and Elizabeth. we walk to the doors leaving the adoption center we stop and see he social worker looks at us both,

"i'm very happy for you y/n, Elizabeth looks like she is going to be a great mother for you" she says. "let's go then!" Elizabeth said she  sounded very excited, which calmed my nerves down. she opened the door for me and we walked out to her car. i went to sit in the back and when I was about to open the door  she said "I couldn't wait to buy your thing so I bought everything yesterday so you can play with the toys I bought you if you like"i did play a lot. Then we got in the car, the first 25 minutes were a comfortable silence then Elizabeth spoke up.

"so what would you like me to call you y/n? i mean i know that's your name, but is there a nickname you prefer?"
"i don't mind, most people call me y/n/n" i say turning from my toys to elizabeth. "okay" she says. "do you want the radio on y/n/n?" she asks "if you don't mind" i reply. "of course not" she says and puts the radio on "and you can call me Lizzie now, until you feel comfortable calling me mama, or you can call me mama now, i'm fine with whatever you want" she says i just reply with and "okay"

we had a little chat on the way back, things like, what are our favourite food, where we want to travel to, things like that. we pull up at a big house in the country side. "this is your new home y/n/n" she says looking at me with a smile "it's big" i state, and we both get out the car and walk into the house. "through that door, is the living room, and then there's the door to the back garden" she points as she is saying the rooms "that door takes you to the kitchen, personally it's my favourite room, then upstairs, the first room on the right is yours!" she says taking my coat off me and hanging it up next to hers. "Awesome !" "you can go up to your room and check it out now if you want?" she suggested. "I get my own room?" i ask  and she nods and take my hand and we walk up the stairs and go to the first room on the right. omg it's huge!! it has a double bed, walk-in wardrobe and an on sweet! "oh my god" i shout and Lizzie came and stood behind me "i'm glad you like it, we can obviously decorate it however you like, but i just thought for now that this would be good" she says pretty proud of herself "thank you" i say and i turn around and give her a hug.

*time skip*
it's now 2:30 at night and ma-Lizzie  and i are watching Brooklyn 99. i yawn and Lizzie looks at me and says "come on baby girl i think your too tired, we can watch more episodes tomorrow" she says getting up, i agree and she picks me up
we go into my room and i get into bed and Lizzie sits beside me. "thank you for making this the best day of my life" i say getting comfy in bed. "i'm glad you feel welcomed peanut" she kisses me on the head and walks to the door, "do you want me to go or stay y/n/n?" she asked "could you stay please?" i ask "of course" she replies. she turns the lights of lays down Hugging me and says "good night y/n/n" "night night mama" i say and she seemed so happy i called her mama, but it just felt right I finally was 'home'
1243 Words

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff x daughter!reader one shotWhere stories live. Discover now