Chapter 3: The Truth and Trust

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» [Truth] «

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misunderstandings happen to all of us. All that needs to happen is for someone to stand tall and clear it up. Even if having misunderstandings sounds weak and dumb, it is truly one of the most difficult things to figure out... but once figured out, you'll come out stronger than before
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Tanjiro Pov

I haven't seen (y/n) that much since that incident. The times that I have, she's looked even more exhausted than before. I'm starting to worry a lot about her health... I definitely need to fix this mess as quick as possible, but how am I gonna be able to talk to her. I watched her in the corner of my vison when she suddenly stopped in front of Nezuko's door and took a glance at it. I was shocked to see her continue walking with a bit of a smile and happy energy around her scent. Does she know Nezuko? Suddenly, I remember hearing some giggling last night, but it was faint. So I didn't bother to focus on it... I wonder... I go up to Nezuko's room and enter, seeing her swinging her legs while on her bed with the curtains were closed. She looks towards me with a surprised expression

"Hey Nezuko, do you mind helping me?"

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(y/n) Pov

It was finally night time, where you would visit Nezuko while everyone was asleep. You've been doing this every night. This did make you loose sleep, but you didn't care. Nezuko had been the only person to accept you, she was even willing to make skin contact. You would rant about your day to her, all your troubles and sorrow. She would comfort you every time, even if it was just a simple pat on the head. She was your first true friend.

You poked your head into the hallway, seeing if there were people still around. Seeing no one, you walked out of your room and to Nezuko's. You felt that something was off, but shook it off and knocked on her door. You could hear quiet shuffling and squirming on the other side, until footsteps were heard coming towards the door. It slightly opened and the cute orbs that belonged to Nezuko appeared. A smile full of joy grew on your face as she fully opened the door and gave you a hug. You chuckled a bit at the affection. "It's good to see you too. Man I needed this hug." You sunk into the hug until Nezuko broke it up, taking your hand and brung you into the room. Once you were fully in the room, the door softly shut which made your heart sink. Both you and Nezuko weren't near the door, so how did it.

Your eyes were met with dark red orbs that were too familiar. The boy that had treated your arm was now blocking the door. You glared at him, seeing as he blocked your main escape route for this situation. His face was full of determination, but still somewhat calm and gentle. Your eyes shifted around the room, seeing a window that still had blindfolds over it. But before you could do anything, he finally spoke. "Please let me clear things up! I didn't ask that question because of the rumours-" Before he could finish speaking, you had already ran for the window, releasing your hand from Nezuko's. As soon as you opened the curtains though, the boy grabbed your arm, making you stumble from his pull and fall backwards onto him. It all felt like it was going slow. Because of the sudden pull from the boy, your other arm collided with your face and caused your blindfold to slip off. It flew off your head and because of your instincts, you tightly closed your eyes.

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