
397 16 12

» [Spider lily] «

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................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Unreal love.

"Go get the groceries you freak!"

The slap that was landed on your face rings through the air. A tingly but stinging sensation plays on your cheek. Without a word you exit the house with the list of things you need to get and your pitiful self. Honestly you would've gone somewhere else if you could, but you could only go back to your home town. As you walked, a few pebbles were thrown at you. Thankfully your hands and eyes were protected, since they were covered.

You enter the markets, now going around finding the things you need. This was the usual for you now. You did chores all day and got hurt by others. People felt pity for your mother and never for you, but that was ok.

"Look at her. She's disgusting."

"Why did her mum even take her back in?"

"Probably just to use her."

Yep. Everything was ok.

"Well look who it is. That bitch we saw and said never to come back."


"Wow! Is she so dumb that she can't even speak anymore?"

All four of them bursted out laughing as you just stood there. You had the groceries in hand that you had to get to your mother soon. You were about to try to walk around them when you were suddenly pushed to the ground, the things in your hands spilt to the floor.

Your blindfold falls down a bit, but you pull it right back up as soon as you noticed. One of the boys kicks you, calling you names in the process. But you zoned out while it happened, baring the pain.

After a minute, the kicking had stopped and an annoying sigh came from the boy. "Alright, come on guys. Let's get out of here."

The four people then left, leaving you on the ground. You had no more money left to get new groceries, and all the groceries you had both were damaged. Oh how you were going to get yelled at. You stood wobbly up to your feet, grabbing the ruined groceries into your hands. You slowly walked in the direction of your house. Well more like you were walking straight into hell itself, as you prepared yourself for what would come sooner than later...


"You'll be sleeping outside tonight! Now get out!"



.... Well I guess that wasn't too bad.

Stars fluttered the skies. Millions of dazzling lights lit everything up. You thought to yourself that you should definitely sleep outside more. Well, maybe with warmer clothes next time.

You slipped down to the ground and layed your back against the trunk of a tree. A slight tear rolls down your eye, but your blindfold made sure to soak it up. Pain starts to hit the places that you had been hurt. Millions of pins and needles soak into your body, making it hard for you to relax.

After a bit though, you were able to rest. With your whole body still cold and you face and other parts still bruised, you managed to sleep. You didn't really know how you did it yourself, but you were still glad it happened.

Thoughts appeared in your head. You wondered if you would be dead in the morning. You wondered if your body would ache more in the morning. Would you have to get more groceries tomorrow?

Cursed (Tanjiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now