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"Mum why did ginny ran up looking scared?" Came a small voice right as ron finished talking making all the heads turn to the little girl slowly descending down the stairs. Her red hair falling over her face as she rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"Oh hello" She added when she spotted the black haired stranger, a little surprised on why someone is visiting her house this early.

"Uh hi! I'm harry" Introduced harry with a polite smile. "I'm Nyla. It's nice to meet you" She replied smiling brightly at the boy. "You as well" Harry replied finding the bubbly girl adorable.

"Now dear go take a seat. Your breakfast is served" Molly said brushing the hairs off her youngest daughter's face gently. With a nod the girl obliged and skipped to her seat in between percy and fred.

"Good morning Nyla" Greeted the twins in unison causing the little girls smile widen as she greeted them back along with the rest of the murmured greetings she got from her brothers as one of them had his mouth stuffed with food and the other was quite grumpy the particular morning.

"Morning weaselys" Greeted Arthur entering is house with a smile on his face getting multiple replies, the loudest being his cheerful youngest child.

"What a night. Nine raids. Nine" He says as he makes his way to the living room and puts his bag in its place then returning to the kitchen giving his wife a kiss on the cheek and taking his place in the head of the table.

Little Nyla dug in her food happily conversing with her older brothers even managing to lift percy's mood a little as well, well she conversed with all her brothers except with ron who was rather happy chatting away with his best friend.

Arthur weasely sighs happily looking around the table at his family until his gaze meets harry. "And who are you?" He inquired curiously catching the entire tables attention.

"Oh sorry sir. I'm harry sir. Harry potter" He introduces himself causing Nyla's eyes to widen. She didn't know he was the harry potter. She had heard his stories many times and looked up to him specially after all the stories her big brother ron told her about their first year.

"good lord, are you really?" Came the surprised reply of Arthur weasely. "Well ron's told us all about you of course" He added digging into his breakfast. "When did you get here"

"This morning. Your sons drove that enchanted cars of yours to scurry him back last night" Molly said pointedly making Nyla discard her food and look up at the twins excitedly. "You did?" She exclaimed excitedly having a knack for mischief herself.

The twins smiled at her excitement fondly opening their mouth to tell her all about it but were interrupted Arthur who had a similar reaction to her.

"Did you really? How'd it go?" He asked excitedly but let the smile slip of to faux stern face when his wife wacked him in the arm with a pointed look.

"I mean that was very wrong indeed boys. Very wrong of you. Now harry you must know all about the muggles. Tell me what exactly is the function of a rubber duck" Arthur continue his excitement resurfacing in the end.

"Oh-" Hary started to reply but the screech of a owl caught all their attention.

"That must be errol with the post" Molly said peering out.

The owl descended to enter the room but face planted with the glass window it failed to notice causing everyone to flinch in unison

"Fetch it for us percy please" Requested Molly. Percy complying with her wishes.

"Oh look its our Hogwarts letter and he sent us harry as well" Pointed out percy opening of the envelope causing a frown to make its way on Nyla's face which was unnoticed.

"He must know you're here harry. Doesn't miss a trick that man" Arthur pointed out as all the boys opened their letters not noticing Nyla's eyes starting to well up and her bottom lip starting to quiver.

Taking a shaky breath she closes her eyes blocking out all the noise around her trying to calm herself down.

"-diagonally" She hears her mother making her fall out of her trance and scurry of out of the room to avoid her family from seeing her tears but she was quite unsuccessful as all of them watched her worriedly.

She sprints her way out of the house and into the backyard making her way to the huge tree had always been a comforting place for the youngest weasely.

Sitting down under it in the shade she leans against the gigantic trunk listening to the chirping of birds above her along with all the noise the other animal from the farm were making.

So lost in her own world she didn't notice her siblings coming towards her with an awkward harry following behind.

She opened her eyes when she felt people sitting around her. Wiping away her tears she smiles at them well tries to but she was quite unsuccessful. Her siblings smile at her sympathetically as the twins at either side of her throw their hands around her. Her big sister ginny taking a hold of both her hand comfortingly as ron, percy and harry sit a little behind ginny but still surrounding her, well harry just stood there awkwardly.

"What's the matter Nyla?" Ron questions kindly making his best friend gawk at him in surprise.

"I just- I'm gonna be all alone this year" She replies with a small shrug. Her big brown teary eyes looking up at them causing all of their hearts to ache for the little girl.

All of them where speechless not knowing what to say to make her feel better. Sharing a look the twins squeezed her shoulders in unison and fred said, "Think of the good thing Nyny" and George continued finishing his twins sentence, "You've got only a little over 365 days before you can go to Hogwarts with us all".

Nyla smiled a little at the effort her siblings were putting to make her feel better and causing everyone to grin in reply.

"Come on now. We got to get ready to go to diagonally" Percy said getting up and brushing the dust of his pajamas.

The rest of the siblings followed his action as he picked Nyla of easily and threw her in the air causing her to giggle much to the other's delight. Putting his sister on his hip percy made his way back home the siblings following looking less gloomier than earlier not noticing the black haired boy hesitating to follow as he just looked at the group of siblings longingly.

Nyla requested to be put down gesturing to harry when she noticed him just standing at their original position blankly staring at the siblings sadly to her brother percy making him nod hesitantly and put her down.

She ran to the scarred boy panting a little when she reached her destination causing harry to snap out of his trance and turn to her questioningly.

She reached for his hand causing him to flinch a little but he didn't stop her and let her do what she wants watching curiously as she did.

Clutching his hand she pulled him gently and said, "Come on now. What are you waiting for? You're part of the family too now you know".

Not noticing the bright smile that made its way on harry's face she turned around and continued to pull along harry with her.

Molly and Arthur weasely smiled proudly at their youngest daughter having seen the entire interaction.



Hey guys!

Another story up. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did please share and vote and follow if you like m work. Also i would really apreciate it if you comment your opinion.

I couldn't find any youngest weasely fan fictions so i decided to write it myself. I hope you guys like it.

-Love Shreeya

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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