Dry Dinner

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they met at the restaurant; non-stop blushing. Farquaad had shaved his chin and rid of his stubble to look shining to the auditor. they both giggled. the waitress approached them asking them what they would like to eat from the menu. they both picked up their own menu and when looking at the waitress, they said in synchronization.

"red tuna beef fish casa roll"

they both immediately looked at each other in love.  they said the same thing!! its fate!

The chef cooked them spaghetti make by that one rlly tall skeleton from that funny game with the child committing mass genocide lolololololo

the waitress brought it out to them and they immediately started to devour it like a monster. they accidentally chose the same strand and went in for a kiss. they both blushed profusely, bright red. 

Lord Farquaad x AuditorWhere stories live. Discover now