Dreams of taste

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"You finally got back home, you started doing your normal routine and housework, it had been a long day you started to get tired, but for some reason a nagging feeling to try, what you've brought kept on popping up in your mind, it was tho you were a kid again, opening new sweets, you wanted to try them. But it was almost time for dinner so you paassed, trying to decide what to have, the feeling of something with honey was all you could think," what is wrong with me " you thought you'd only looked at the jar, maybe it was that lady, she was pretty cute, nevertheless you decided in some pasta, easy to cook. after eating your meal, you watched a little telly but nothing was on, unable to shake this feeling off you decided to run a warm bath, extra bubbles just how you liked it. As you lay in it, your stress seems to fade away", much better you thought " spending a little longer in there, after getting out, drying yourself off, you thought having an early night would be best".

Oh my....a new customer...Mmm, you'll love our honey... it's the best honey in the world.....here have a taste...like a good human you are...Mmm, see delicious right? Here lick it off my fingers, it's so sweet...Mmm, good human....now how about you lick it off my body? Hmm...

"You wake you... Breathing heavily it was just a dream or nightmare, fuck you thought what on earth is wrong with me, laying there you started to wonder, why is this happening, what is going on with me, God I need a girlfriend that would set me right, getting ready for a hard night."

"Beep, beep, beep, click" morning already fuck... "You barely got any sleep, your eyes were red and you couldn't stop yawning, 5:30 the click reads, you begin to pull yourself up, doesn't matter if you tired you still had to go to work, walking downstairs you put the toaster on, started making a cup of coffee while checking the headlines for today, the toast pops, your arm reaches out but stops... The honey, you thought, you were gonna grab it but, you're not sure... After yesterday, you honestly just wanted to throw it away, why don't you? You were thinking. You pulled back, instead of grabbing the honey, you had jam today after eating your shower, change clothes, then it's off to work."

"Work was a nightmare, the day took forever to pass, hours seemed even longer, you just wanted to go home sleep, when it finally ended you rushed back home, ah finally, you didn't bother eating or washing, you changed out of your work clothes, and crashed on the bed. Please let me sleep well tonight you said, as soon as your head hit the pillow you were out."

You can't resist... Trust me it's amazing...Just one taste of it... Just one...one taste... You'll sleep so much better baby... My sweet hon...

"You woke up, you were pissed, running down the stairs you sure the jar the reason why you can't think straight or sleep, you picked it up hovering over the bin, but you couldn't drop it, you thought back to your dreams, fuck it you thought, you just wanted a good night sleep, opening the jar the smell, rising when taking off the lid, it smelled good, did honey always have a smell like that? Whatever you thought, you dipped your finger in, looking at it, this rich golden honey, somewhat ending you in a trans, you slowly took a taste..."

"It was good...no...really good...like I've never tasted any honey like that before, you took one more taste, even better than your first, Hmm you thought, you closed the lid and went back to sleep, you've never slept so well in your life.

The human finally tasted me, I'm so happy, lovely and sweet Mmm, can't wait for tomorrow, sweet dreams my human.

Hope you enjoy it! If so please

Love Yuri 💋

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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