chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Love Klaroline

 Caroline's POV

I cant see anything its dark..but then i heard someone speak up and i know its him,his sexy british accent is like a melody....

"Im sorry,Caroline..for being stupid,dumb,selfish....Bekah's right..."he said and i can fell the sadness in his voice...

"Klaus..."i muttered,i slowly opened my eyes and i saw him infront of me and he look so SHOCK!..

"Caroline?..."he said and hugged me so tight,"hey,hey! easy!..."i said and he pulled back,"you dont know how much i miss you,love"he said and hugged me again...

Klaus went out of the room to tell the others about me,then after seconds theyn all rush into my room and give me : Hugs,Kisses(from the girls),and Welcome smiles....they toldme everything,that I've been asleep for two months....everything..aand after some chit-chat they all left leaving me and Klaus behind.

he walked to me and kissed me on my forehead and whispered,"i'll be back any minute but for now someone wants to talk to you...i'll leave you two alone."he said and dissapeared behind the door,a familiar blonde headed woman came inside...

"mom?"i said and my eyes become teary as she hugged me,"hey,honey..i missed you"she said and kissed the top pf my head,"me too,mom"i mom and i talked for about half an hour then she left 'cause she have a duty...

i walked out of the room and found Stefan and Rebekah downstairs cuddling,but i ignored them and went directly to Klaus's paint room and found no paintings...not even one. ?

i walked back to Stefan and Rebekah,"where are his paintings?"i asked," know,Care..these last 2 months Klaus is depressed and.."Stefan said but Rebekah interrupted...

"he burned them all....all of it!"Rebekah spilled..."he WHAT??!!!"i said shocked....

[a/n:hey,lovelies!! im sorry for not updating sooner,but here's a plus one!]

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