chapter 11

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Klaus' POV

i heard my door opened revealing a mad Caroline,"its rude not to knock..."i said and put down the book that im reading,she looked at me,"why?why did you burn ALL your paintings?"she asked and crossed her arms over her chest....

"i think you already know why.''i answered and stood up,walked to her.she rolled her eyes and sat on my bed,she wandered around the room and shock to see all the empty beer cans and liquor bottles."have you been drinking,too much?"she asked,then my bloody sister shouted very loud,"YES! HE IS! HE'S ALWAYS DRUNK! EVERYDAY!"she said and made Caroline's eyes with madness she stared at me deeply,"you're pale,when did you last feed?"she asked again,then again Rebekah shouted,"3 WEEKS AGO CAROLINE!"and now Caroline stood up saying,"Fix your self and grab a bite.."she said and i nodded...

i fixed myself like what she said and i went out to the living room....

"where's Caroline?"i asked to the cuddling Stefan and Rebekah..."in the garden"Rebekah answered.I went out of the house and inot the garden,i found her watching over a flower.."beautiful isnt it?...are you good?"i asked and walked to her,"im definitely not good...not until you go and hunt."she said,"come with me."i said making my voice soft,"no i already fed..."she said showing me 2 empty bloodbags,"...and i dont want to see you kissing your human bloodbags."she added..

"are you jealous?"i said and grinned,"no im not! why would i be?!"she said and went to the exit but before she could get out i grabbed her hand pulling her closer to me.

"there is  nothing for you to be jealous about...i wont do that,even if i will i wont do it passionately..."i said and she pushed me and exited..."where are you going?"i asked following her,"home?..Mom wants me home tonight,so that we can catch up."she said.."i'll drive you then.."i said picking up my keys on my pocket."no you go and hunt,i can take care of myself."she protested.."no i'll drive you."i said,but she snatched the keys,"what if you just lend me your car and i'll drive myself?"she said and headed to ger room...well,i cant argue with her,"becareful,love!" i shouted.

Caroline's POV

I drove home and found that Mom is already home,i entered the house and i saw her on the living room , "hey honey."she said and pulled me for a hug,then we pulled away.."what do you want for dinner?"she asked,"its up to you,Mom"i said and laid my bag on the table..."well i better start now,"she said and marched to the kitchen,i went after her saying,"i'll help you,Mom!"

Mom and i had fun while cooking our dinner and we baked a cake...after eating we watched movies while eating popcorn,"i think you should go upstairs and take a rest, don't want to be tired tomorrow on your birthday.."she said and kissed the top of my head."WHAT! my birthday?!"i said shockingly,Yeah,right!i've been asleep for two months!.."yes Caroline..goodnight"she said and went to her own room.

i climbed to my room and dive into my bed,,"i miss this house!"i muttered,then suddenly something creaked,THE WINDOW,i immediately alerted myself.

"easy,love...its just me.."and there appeared the one and only Niklaus Mikaelson,"you scared the hell out out me!"she shouted in a low tone so that her Mom wont hear her..."im just checking on you..."he said,"well next time,can you check me properly?go through the front door..."i said and sat at my bed,he sat next to me..."im afraid i cant do that.."he said and slightly bowed down.."im also afraid you cant check me anymore.."i said with a little irony,"oh really?"he said playfully and he tickled me..."K-Klaus! stop it!" i said between my giggles..

[a/n:another chapter for you,lovelies! and thank you for the 400+ reads...and im happy/sad because i got so many reads but less votes.comments and fans...can i ask for it??please???i'll updatemore if you can give me my wish]

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