Careful What You Wish

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*One Year Later*

"Valree hurry! You'll be late for your first day at work!"

"I'm coming mom!"

Another usual boring and ordinary day. My car broke down and after constantly missing work at my old job I ended up getting fired.

I went for a couple months jobless and busing my butt around. Even Starr began to save money so she could buy a car and this time she would be driving me anywhere.

I liked that idea. A lot actually.

After Larry's passing I had hit rock bottom. I let go of myself both physically and mentally. All because I hated the way other guys would look at me. With eyes of desire.

I didn't want to know anything about love or getting to know anyone else at all. I had already given myself to someone and I lost.

Putting myself out there the way I had done with Larry took a lot for me to do. However he made me feel safe enough to do so.

Not once did I feel afraid he would judge me or make my insecurities feel worse. He took care of me the way nobody did before. For the very first time I was capable of letting someone see me completely naked inside and out.

Until it all just suddenly began to collapse and soon after fade away. Though time did pass the darkness surrounding me since the day I lost him continued.

I focused on living day after day. Waiting...For my time to come so I could be with him again and this time..Forever.

"Valree! I'm going to be late for work! Hurry!" I heard my moms loud shouting coming from outside our front yard. How I missed driving my own car and not depending on others.

As I stepped outside the house a loud honk coming from a grey Dodge Charger startled me. I confusingly stared at a car that looked exactly like the one Larry use to drive.

"You like?" My mother asked with excitement while she threw the keys to me.

"Mom what is this about?"

"I spoke to some people and after some persuasion I was able to come into an agreement over the price for this car..It's yours sweetie"

"What?? Are you serious!"

"I spent money on it so yes I'm sure I'm serious"

"Mom thank you!! You have no idea how much this means to me!!"

I excitedly hugged her as she spoke close to my ear, "I know how hard you've been trying to pick yourself up and I also know how much he meant to you. This car is a reminder of something beautiful that happened to you..Just remember Valree..Life goes on..It's okay to smile and feel again".

I smiled at her taking her sweet thoughtful gesture straight to my heart. It might've even been the first time I smiled genuinely.

As I drove to my new job I couldn't help but feel a bit off to be inside a car that held so many memories of Larry and I. Even though it wasn't the exact same car it was still a replica of the very same one we had spent so many nights in.

Inside his car we fought then made up. Countless of times he made me his inside it. There were also those special nights where we would just sit in the back seats and hold each other tightly.

Waiting to enjoy the beautiful sunrise together. In those moments we'd gaze into each other's eyes while in complete silence. Admiring our imperfections of one another.

Fondness filled our eyes while our hearts loudly called each other. We would then daze off into a sleep. One so sweet where we would wake up still holding one another.

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