Chapter 2

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Avneet's POV

I am really too tired today.. It was a hectic shoot and then I had 2 meetings for my upcoming ads. Well you know being a model isn't easy you have to work hard and look good all the time.

Anyways it is 12:00 when I reached back home. I opened the door using keys and saw lights off. I am not sure if he returned because usually when he says he will be late that means at around 1 or 1:30 am in the morning..

Anyways I am tired and I want to sleep.

So I locked gate with keys from inside and went to my room. I placed my phone on the table and plugged in because battery is almost drained. Next I changed and tried to sleep.

Sid's POV

Well it is 12:30 and I am back.. it was a hectic day but best thing is that we have got new investor and he is pretty understanding to our terms and is not going to interrupt us until his interest is being paid.. which we never forget anyways.

Well I opened the door and saw a little dim light in the room. Well my wife is sleeping peacefully but on my side of bed. I hate it when someone sleeps on my side but anyways I want to take a shower so I quickly took my bathrobe and went inside bathroom and locked.

You know nothing can be better than a hot shower after a hectic day.

But when I turned back I got a huge shock.. because my wife is facing me with soap in one hand.. she is standing right in front of me stark naked.

I never noticed that she have such perfect curves. I shamelessly checked her out from top to bottom..

Her soft and silky legs.. her belly being covered in soap bubbles and and....

well I got lost somewhere when I heard her scream a little.

"What are you doing here.. stop staring at me.." she said while trying to cover her up with her hands. I realised what I was doing and placed my hand in front of my eyes.

Sid- what are you doing here..?
Avneet- What someone do in a bathroom said Avneet *sounding offenced*
Sid- Shut up.. who is in the bedroom then..
Avneet- You brought someone else *she said with angry dramatic expressions and I couldn't control and fly my hands up in air with frustration..*

Sid- I saw someone sleeping on bed..
Avneet- oh those are pillows idiot..

Sid had removed hands from his eyes and Avneet from her bare body.. Sid again started drooling over her.. to which Avneet snapped and he again covered his eyes..

Sid decided to break the silence and again asked

Sid- why you didn't locked??
Avneet- I was alone.. why should I lock..??
Sid- huh..
Avneet- If your questions are done please leave... I want to take shower

*With that she turned her back towards me and turned on shower.. when droplets hit my face.. I removed my hands and opened my eyes.. my jaw dropped looking at her.. so perfect*

Subconsciously I moved ahead and held her waist....

To be continued..

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Drop holy water on yourself to be innocent again 😂😂 if you can 😜

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