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"my daughter is definitely the loveliest lady of this town" your mother stated proudly as she looked at you, completely satisfied on how you were looking in your kimono for the towns summer festival.

"ofcourse I am, I'm your child afterall" you cheekily replied her back.

chuckling at your reply your ,mother said, "that's a well known fact"

"here, let me clip your hair pin" your mother insisted, approaching towards where you were seated and just then you and your mother heard your younger sister calling out for her, screaming : "ma !!!! ma!!!! mama !!!!"

"just go to her mama it's okay, I'll fix my own hair" you initiated as your sister's scream got louder and more annoying.

your mother gave you the "my daughter is all grown up now" look, and said to you, "your probably right" before leaving the room.

as she left, you started to fix the hair pin yourself. after doing so, you took a better look at yourself in the mirror and you were impressed so to say, the kimono you wore was neither too flashy nor too dull, it was something that suited you best.

your hair and makeup was also done the way that made you feel confident and bold.

yet you couldn't help but feel all anxious on how you looked, cause afterall you were about to go to the summer festival with the one and only 'shouto todoroki' and who wouldn't be anxious right ?

"deep breaths y/n" you murmered, doing your best to calm your anxious self, "deep breaths"


meanwhile. . . somewhere in a place called 'granny yua's residence' , shouto was trying on his nth yukata, as he felt like he did not look "the best" in any of them.

"calm down shouto" granny advised him as she sat down and looked at the frantic and anxious expression on her grandson.

"is this all the yukata that you have?" shouto enquired.


"oh" he replied and got back to doing his own thing.

granny had enough of her grandson being the way he was now so she got up from where she was sitting and walked up to shouto and told him :


flabbergasted at his grandmother's sudden call for him, he stopped what he was doing and stood frozen in his spot.

"deep breaths" she started saying,"and you look great in all of the yukatas your trying on"

shouto gave her a silent nod.

"and I'm sure since it's you, she'll love whatever your wearing"

"she will?"

"yes, i gurantee you. now take it slow and decide what you'll wear" granny softly told shouto and patted his head, gently.

to which, shouto once again silently nodded to.

"alright, let me go prepare something for you to drink before you leave okay?"

"thanks granny" said shouto, softly.

happy with his reply granny yua left the room, but as soon as she was about to take her leave, she told shouto :

"shouto. . ."


"do you by chance like y/n ?" she asked, with a teasing smile on her face.

hearing the question that his grandmother had asked him shouto replied,"if i don't like her, then we wouldn't be friends right?" he said as calmly as possible.

but, his flustered face gave it all.

A/N : it's been long, yeah I know👁️💧👄💧👁️

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