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"and that is why your heading out right now, am I correct?" your mother questioned you as you were getting ready to go outside.

"yes mama" you replied back but your mind occupied with the things you would be doing with shouto today.

"and with shouto?"

"yes" you replied back, "and if that's all the questions that your going to ask me then I'll be heading out"

"actually y/n. . .i don't mind you hanging out with him" she started telling you,"but just be careful with the decisions you make, I know you, I'm your mother"

"i get you mama, i won't do things which would only hurt me" you reassured her and with that said, you said your goodbyes and headed out.

"have fun and get home safe" she said, waving you a goodbye as you headed out from the door.

"be careful with the decisions I make huh" you mumbled to yourself pondering about the advise that your mother gave you and walked towards the planned spot that you and shouto decided on meeting up.


"y/n. . ."


"you weren't joking when you said  .   .  .  we're going to hike were you?"

"not even one bit shouto !" you excitedly told him as you showed him the mountain that you and him were about to venture into.

"i should have known by now" he replied as he gazed at the direction you were pointing at.

"let's go" you enthusiastically said and began to climb up the hill while making sure he was just behind you.

"trust me, the hike"you said grunting,"is worth it"

"never doubted you" he said while grunting,"even once"

A/N : purposely broke down the chapter you'll know why so stay tuned hehe !!

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