chapter 2

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"I no longer feared the darkness once I knew the phoenix in me would rise from the ashes."

~William C. Hannan.


When she went in the kitchen to make Scarlet's drink, Scarlet followed in and gave her the gift even after her being persistent. After giving the gift she decided to chat a little, while she made her drink.

When the drink was made she and Cecile both made their way out. When she opened the door, she saw the raven-haired boy standing with a stick in his right hand outstretched in Scarlet's direction. She heard a faint cry of "Stupefy!". She saw the man standing in front of her who it was meant for perhaps roll sideways. It all happened so fast. She saw the red stream of light heading her way, and before she could think, she acted.

"Protego!" Screamed Scarlet making a slash movement withe her right hand thrusted in front of her. An exceptionally powerful shield formed in front of her which didn't only block the spell but also knocked the blond man off his feet which lead to him hiting his head hard, losing consciousness. The spell also knocked the three a few steps aback. She stood their breathing heavily and staring straight ahead at the dark-haired boy processing what had happened. The trio stared at her with shocked looks. All three had only one thought swirling in their minds at the moment.

She is a Witch.

While Scarlet stood in shock thinking about what had happened in the past few moments, what she had done. She did something that she hadn't done since she was thirteen. She did it for self-defence but knew the Ministry would hear none of it. She did something, she was restricted to do.

She did Magic.

When Scarlet came to her senses she threw the cigarette down and crushed it with her boot then turned back and looked at Cecile and said in a shaky voice while breathing a little heavily, "T-tell you later. Go home. Bye."

"Ok." The waitress nodded still in shock and daze from what she had seen and exited the Café from the back door with her things.

Scarlet looked at the trio and saw that the girl stood with a rather large cut in her right hand next to the red haired boy who gave her support. While the dark haired boy stood at their side. All three stared at her in shock.

While Scarlet was thinking what to do, her thoughts were interrupted when a large screech owl swooped in the Cafe through the back door. It soared accross the kitchen and dropped the large parchment envelope it was carrying at Scarlet's feet, and turned gracefully then zoomed outside again and off in the dark sky.

The four teenagers all stared at the envelope with different emotions. Two with confusion, one with slight recognition and other with fear and horror. They kept staring at the letter as it flew in front of Scarlet's face and formed itself in the shape of a mouth. "Dear Miss-"

But before the letter could tell her last name, it was snatched out of the air. The trio watched as the newfound witch threw the envelope deep down in one of the bags as to stop it from talking. Muffled sounds could still be heard from it though.

She then slowly proceeded to see whether the man who fell unconscious was alive. She knelt down next to the blondie and put her shaking index and middle finger on the man's neck. She felt it. It was faint but there was a heartbeat. She let out a sigh of relief.


Scarlet then stood up and turned towards the trio and asked in a shaky voice, "W-who are they?"

"Death eaters." The red-headed said before the other two could stop him.

"Who were they following?" Asked Scarlet slightly eager.

"Us." Said the girl.

Sle let out a breath of relief but tensed as she saw one of them stirring awake. She immediately snapped her fingers and the shop was closed. She decided to just erase their memory so as to not let them remember that they met her. She can't let them know. She can't let Voldemort know.

She knelt down next to the blond and levitated her hand above the man's eyes. She stated in a steady voice, "Obliviate!"

"What are you doing?" Asked the raven-haired slightly curious.

"Erasing their memory." stated Scarlet without looking at him as she shifted to the second one and did the same to him.

"Why?" asked the boy again.

"They can't remember they saw me." Stated Scarlet with slight frustration as she moved to look at him.

Their eyes connected. Forest Green met Icy Blue. They both stared at each other as if trying to decipher each other true self. The green swirled with frustration, anger, exhaustion, caution, curiosity and sadness. The icy blue held sadness, fear, horror, frustration, exhaustion and hurt.

Harry and Scarlet held emotions alike.

Their eye contact though was broken by a slight wince from the girl. They tore their eyes away with slight awkwardness. The raven boy comforted the girl while Scarlet organized the Cafe so it would look nice in the morning when Cecile came. Another problem: Explain to Cecile.

After organizing she went to the girl and stood before her and put her hand in front of her and said gently, "Show me."

The brunette extended her hand to the mysterious but powerful girl. Scarlet looked at the cut it was rather large cut running from mid forearm to a little further up the elbow seeping blood. It was a dark magic cut, which meant it would take longer time to heal.

Scarlet carefully left her hand and took a step back. She examined all three of their faces with narrowed eyes. She had a little voice at the back of her mind telling her that they were good people but Scarlet couldn't help her instincts. After inspecting them, she sighed and turned around.

She held her right hand out and said remembering one of the few happy moments in her life, "Expecto Patronum!"

A few silver wisps came out from tips of her slender fingers forming a shapeless cloud of mist but disappeared before it could take its form. Scarlet sighed in frustration before closing her eyes again and remembering last Christmas that she spent with Amber.

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes and recited again loudly, "Expecto Patronum!"

Silvers wisps flowed once again from her hand but this time they started taking a form. The bluish-silver wisps formed into a medium sized body, a lengthy tail, a head and a long beak. The trio too watched in awe as the mysterious girl did such wonderful wandless magic. The silver mist formed a blinding, dazzling, silver bird.

A Phoenix. The magical creature that's symbolises fire and passion. Flames of true inspiration. Symbolising immortality and ressurection. Thought to bring a sense of Harmony. Peace. Balance. Good Luck.

She gently stroked its head before saying, "'Apparate inside Cecile's Cafe. Now.' Go to Amber."

The Phoenix bowed his head and flew out of the back door of the kitchen into the black night sky.


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