Before the death of lily joule (Evans) and James Potter

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Chapter 1
September 6, 1981
The birth of Joule snape potter
(crying baby noise )  Joule Potter is born
James, she got your eyes and nose
Said, Lily while holding her newborn daughter in her arms
Yes she does answer James
But she got her mother's beautiful light spirit and your middle name as her first name
Said, James to Lily with a kiss on her forehead James?do you want to hold our newest bundle of joy asked
Lily with a kiss on her newborn daughter's little tiny hands
Hello, my beautiful sweet baby girl, Joule Snape Potter
I don't like your middle name being your godfather's but I guess it is for the best for your mother
said James to himself and Baby Joule so Lily couldn't hear him
What was that James? Lily asked while picking up little Harry Potter and putting him  right beside her with the help of  Remus Lupins so he could see what the excitement was about
"Oh I said it Looks like we got two angels on our hands now," said James nervously hoping that Lily hadn't heard him Sirius Black giggling in the background
Yes we do say, Lily
James handed baby Joule to Lily and sat down next to her
One-year-old Harry Potter crawled over to James
James placed him on his lap
See Harry this is your newborn baby sister
One-year-old Harry looks at the baby and smile
You are a big brother now little guy
You may not understand this yet but promise me and your mother you will always protect and look out for your baby sister
Okay said James Potter to baby Harry Potter
One-year-old Harry Potter placed his little hand on his baby sister's joules tiny hands and held them
And kiss his baby sister's forehead
And smile at Lily and James
I think that's a yes said Lily with a chuckle
Remus holding back tears in the background while watching
I don't think we have to worry about anything James
I know Harry would be an amazing big brother to Joule
Said Lily to James Potter while watching Harry Potter bonding with his new baby sister Joule.
What's her nickname asked James
It would be J as in my middle name
It stands for joule answer Lily while holding baby j in her arms.
Remus would you like to hold her asked Lily
1 year old little Harry begins to make whining sounds
It looks like someone here wants to hold his baby sister first said James will a laugh
Come on little guy said James placing Harry down on the couch with help from Sirius and Remus Lily placed Baby J into Harry Potter's arms
Sirius can you get the camera fast please we need to capture this moment
Said James with wholesome excitement on his face
Secretly, wishing that he had a sibling of his own
During all the commotion no one remembers the 2nd Potter child's godfather Severus Snape
Snape didn't even know he was a godfather to Lily and James 2nd child
Picture of Harry holding his baby sister in his arms where taking with Lily helping him hold the head of baby j
James is right behind the couch watching them
It was getting late and it was past baby Harry's bedtime
Remus can you take baby j
I need to get Harry down for bed
All the excitement had worn him out
Harry tries his best to fight his sleep and wants to share his birthday toy broom he got from Padfoot
with his baby sister
Aw harry joule is too little to play with that right now she is just a baby you will be able to play with her more when she is a little bit bigger like you said, Sirius black ruffling Harry's hair
Come on Harry is bedtime said, Lilly while picking Harry up
Said good night to your baby sister
Nite nite baby sister said one-year-old harry potter in his baby talk voice every awe
Thank you again so much  Madam Poppy Pomfrey
Anytime my darling she is just like her brother when he was born nearly gave all of us a fright
Born September 6, 1981, at 12:00 Am
It's going to be quite a handful with that pure joy
Hello Joule said Remus Lupin I am your uncle Moony
Sirius got up and wanted to hold Baby j he picked up Baby J out of Remus's arms
And hold her she began to cry
Great already like her godfather already Snivellus
She hates me
Sirius, she is not like Snivellus
Said, James
She was just a baby and in my eyes Padfoot you weren't gentle when picking her up you had to give her quite a scare
Said Remus taking baby j back from Sirius and claiming her down with the help from James
Sirius changes into his dog form
there joule uncle remus got you
Uncle Padfoot didn't mean to scare you
Look there is his puppy form it's called an animagus
It means a witch or wizard who can transform at will into an animal
You can transform into any animal you like
Said Remus to baby j
Sirius Black in his Animagus form carefully and jump up a kissed Baby j tiny hands
You look so much like your father James said, Remus
Lily I had only one question for you said Sirius Black changed because into his human form
Why did you make Snivellus the godfather of Joule
Why couldn't that be me again
Sirius you know you are harry potter's godfather and I think that we should give Sev! a chance right Remus
Besides he doesn't know he is a godfather
Answer little
Don't be so selfish Sirius
I agree with Lily Severus deserves better
especially since the prank you two had pulled on him and nearly made me become a murderer when I was transformed into my wolf form!!! Shouted Remus
Until he realized that he still had baby j in his arms oh sorry baby j I didn't mean to scare you
It's just uncle remus is still mad at your dad and Sirius Black said Remus to baby joule while walking into the kitchen
Their stupid prank nearly kill someone
And that someone was your godfather
I didn't know Sirius was going to be doing pranks like that it was outline
You are alright Remus asked Lily after giving baby Harry his bottle
Have you tried getting in touch with Snape and telling him the good news that baby Joule is here and he is the godfather to her
Remus hands baby j back to her mother Lily
His arms placed down on the table along with his head
I have called him but he wouldn't
Answer Lily have you tried calling him as well
I did I am starting to get worried I should have forgiven him I should have listened to him I should have never made the mistake of controlling who he hang out
I should have let him learn for himself
Said lily while holding baby Joule in her arms
We can't blame him for not answering treat him like trash he had the same childhood that I had
My dad never accept me since I have got biting by a wolf and Severus, his father is a muggle that does like witches or wizards like us
Don't be too hard on yourself
Severus will come around said Professor McGonagall
Oh my we did are you coming in professor
I just couldn't resist not seeing baby joule
Also, hand master Dumbledore is on his way here as well everyone for the castle with is coming tomorrow morning except-
We know professor sev is not coming
Have you got the chance to speak with him
Not yet I just wanted to stop by first to see how you guys are doing and seeing the newborn daughter of yours we are doing alright so far I am about to put baby j down for bed
Baby j? Asking Professor McGonagall
It's my middle name it stands for joule so her nickname is j her middle name is
Snape answers Lily to Professor McGonagall will try to get Baby j's bottle ready
That is one unique name she got there
Very unique just like her mother
Said James with a smile
What are you doing here at this time of night oh and before I forgot here is a baby gift and stuff for you guys, James why don't you and Sirius help me for once and stop playing around like kids! Said Lilly
Thank to you two and your pranks during Hogwarts Severus wouldn't answer the phone call
He probably thinks one of us is trying to prank-call him
Lilly, you need to get some rest you have just given birth you can be doing all these things
Come on hand me baby joule and go on and get some sleep I can handle the bottle making you two need to do things around here said Professor McGonagall to Mr.Potter and Mr.Black
You are a father to both children now James expects more from you
Remus got up a prepare a bottle for baby j
And Magical handed it to professor Professor McGonagall
With her wand McGonagall
Made it flow to her while letting it a whack on the head of James Potter and Sirius Black
Ouch, ouch they both said at the same time
I have to be heading off home now you guys it's getting late said Remus Lupins good night
Seeing around Mr. Lupins said, Professor McGonagall
I guess I have to be going to
Good night all said, Sirius black
Remember guys there is another wizarding war that is going to happen sadly
I don't like this at all said Professor McGonagall
While giving newborn baby Joule her bottle
My name is McGonagall and when you turn 11 years old  will be your professor how just like your brother
Professor McGonagall wave goodbye to Sirius and Remus as they left
James picks up the baby's gifts and brings them into the room where Baby Harry is sleeping. Mcgonagall had handed James baby joule with her bottle
And used her magic to extend the crib a bit bigger so it could hold to babies in it
James watches in amazement while feeding baby j her bottle
She began to fall asleep he turn on the sleep song that is above the crib and let it black some music while little Harry and baby joule are fast asleep
I guess I will be heading out now you guys see you tomorrow
Mr. Potter said, Professor McGonagall
James still rubbing the back of his head
Good night ma'am
James had gotten ready for bed himself as well

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