September 7,1981

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After one month, Baby Joule Snape Potter turned one day old. Little Harry Potter is still one year, one month, and six days old. Everyone was still asleep.
Expect Professor McGonagall and Severus Snape
They were both at Hogwarts getting things ready for their older students at Hogwarts

Professor McGonagall said, "Severus, I would like to speak with you," as she arrived at his empty potion classroom..
What is it, Minerva don't you see I am trying to get ready for this year's students Answer Severus walking around his potion classroom organizing his potion bottles, and setting up ingredients on the table.
Minerva shouted at Severus to stop what he was doing for a second.
He stopped what he was doing and listened to what Minerva McGonagall wanted to say.
The potters had just given birth to their 2nd child
And you are her godfather. Said McGonagall
Her name is Joule and she has your last name as her middle name
Why and who would want to ever make me a godfather to their child said Severus Snape in disbelief in his mind
Well there is one person who did make you the godfather to their 2nd child
Lily and Remus and despite the past issues and differences you and Lily had we wanted you to be there yesterday the day your goddaughter was born 
Said McGonagall to Severus Snape
Why would they ever want a death eater like me near their child I am just a potion teacher in this school who had a crappy childhood no love nothing I had no one
I don't know why Lilly would want me as her 2nd born child's godfather. Said Severus with tears in his eyes on his hide face. McGonagall walked up to Severus and placed her hand on his shoulder
Because she still believes that you would be a great godfather to joule Snape Potter you know it's going to be years until she starts Hogwarts her brother harry potter will be starting here in 11 years before she does they both are just one year apart said McGonagall
To Severus
You are not worthless Severus
Deep down I know your heart is good
Also, Remus had tried to get in touch with you surprising he got so mad a James Potter and Sirius it was a bit surprising to me
Said McGonagall he was so upset about the prank Sirius pull with James he just wanted you to know that he wasn't a part of that prank. Snape turned around to minerva

The story behind J Evans snape Potter the Unknown Second Potter childWhere stories live. Discover now