the party

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Word count: 733
'No lexi I am not going to this party!'

'Why not? It'll be fun stop being so boring.'

'Fine.' I'm dreading this.

Lexi is my best friend. We only see each other a few times a year since I live hours away. I'm staying at her house for 2 weeks because of the Christmas break.

One thing I HATE is parties. Especially the ones with people that are older than me. I mean lexi is older but not by much. She's 17 and I'm 15. Lexi doesn't really like parties either, but she kinda likes this boy called fez, fezco or something. I don't know. Anyways she wants me to meet him. I don't know why but if that's what she wants then I'll do it.

We arrive at the party and there's loads of people, more than I'm used to I'll say that. I walk through the doors and hear biggie smalls playing. I do love biggie although 2 pac is better.

Me and Lexi walk towards a couch with 2 boys. One has a ginger beard with like no hair and the other is way smaller and younger than him. He kinda looks my age but maybe a little older.

'He lexi, I missed you' the bearded man slurs. He has a very slow but low voice. It almost sounds like he's stoned. Probs is.

'Hey fezzzzz.' Lexi says in a sweet, innocent voice.

Oh, so this is fez. Cute. But who's the other boy...

'Oh hi! You must be caitlin?'

I nod my head yes

'You don't talk much do you?' Bro I've literally been here for like 5 seconds.

'You just don't know me like that.' I shrug

Lexi glances at me then motions me to sit next to her. I do it, I sit next to her.

The next song that plays is 2 pac, finally.

The boy that's with fez stands up and starts boping his head to the music. 'Call the cops when you see 2 pac.' I unexpectedly started to giggle. He gave me a little smirk before a really pretty girl with brunette, curly hair wobbled over to us. She was defo stoned too. In fact, she looked like she's on something a little other than weed.

'Hey dudesss' she laughs

Fez smiles 'hey rue.'

'Got yourself a girlfriend while I was gone?' Rue continues to dance.

'Nahh, uh, well. Never mind. Anyways how  you doing?'

'I'm ight, I've missed you tho!'

'Same goes lil sis.'

'Now what about you ashhhh- trayyy?! You got a girlfriend huh?'

'Nah rue, I don't.' The boy replies sounding pissed. Ash-tray huh, what a name.

'Ight lil boy, why you mad at me?'

'I'm not rue ight, I'm sorry.' Ash laughs

'Don't worry I've missed you too.' He goes on

I stand up, not wanting to be in the way of anything. I go to where the drinks are. I'm not really into alcohol, it's not really my thing. I grab a coke and sit myself on a stool on the island in the kitchen.

I feel someone sit besides me on the other stool.


He catches me glancing at him.

He smirks a little 'your uhh caitlin right'

'Yeah' I reply very blunt, as I am not the type of person to talk to people.

He gives a simple nod. I'm ashtray, but you can call me ash, or ashtray. You can call me what you want I don't care.

'Yeah I gathered, that girl rue said your name a few times. It's cool, is it your real name?'

Ash smiles 'yeah... it is my real name unfortunately. People used to pick on me for it until I beat their ass. I never heard a word out of them again.' He laughs to himself.

I laugh too. Maybe he is as tough as he looks.

'Well I think it's a cool name. Is there like a story behind it or something?'

'Uhh kinda. I might tell you if we become close enough.'

'Yeah, sure'

My phone starts to vibrate *lexi <3*

I pick up


'Caitlin, me and fez are heading back to his, you coming?'

'Me and ash?'

'Yes! You and ash. If your coming hurry up.'

She sounds well drunk.

Since it was on loud speaker ash heard her. He nodded, grabbed my hand and we walk towards the door.

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