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[The Author here!!! Only this link works you can't search it up. Please like it on my YouTube channel. But other then that shameless plug in the story continues because I found the will to get up and out of bed. Plus my work load isn't too much.]

My room was silent and if a pin were to drop, one would hear it.  Set my things down and fiddle with my hands. Not even the bed creaks as I situate myself on it.

Nothing to do but think.

I figured the best way to manage what has been lost is to focus on myself.

A soft knock at my door frame startles me and I lift my head up to reveal who it is.

"Cross? What are you doing here so late?"

"I wanted to know if you were sleeping yet, may I come in and sit?" He asks setting himself down beside me.

"You did it anyway what was even the purpose of asking!" I smack his arm lightly.

"You told my dad I am okay?" I ask pulling my knees to my chest.

"Yeah, we have to go back to the capitol. Something along the lines of he'll beat me up if I don't." He copies my movements.

"Sounds about right." I mutter. "What will we do about Dream?"

"Send him back for his own safety. The less the universes that are in the System's multiverse tangled up with us the better. It would be hard to rescue them or take control depending on how deep they are in the universe."

"Are you saying that asking them to assist would be suicide?"My leg stretches out and I roll onto my back.

"So you mean to say there is a war going on..." Dream reveals himself from the side of the door. "What do you mean I  should be sent back I am willing to help?"

Cross simply gives me an annoyed look before getting up off the bed and putting an arm around Dream.

"Look here buddy, you don't have to worry about it. You getting involved will endanger your life and cause many to have unnecessary deaths. Now let's get back to your room."

Cross starts coaxing Dream away, he barely made it past the door when Dream yelled.

"I am not a kid!"


The next morning we sat at the table a lovely sugar bun breakfast fills our mouths.

"So guys why are you not talking to me about this war?" Dream asks just as my father enters the room.


"Geno? What are you doing here?" Dream asks.

"Picking up my kid and their idiot boyfriend." Geno replied coolly pulling down his face mask and pulling off his gloves.

"Oh, would you mind telling me about the problems that is happening in this world?"

"Uh sure, but I want food first."

I listen as he fills Dream on the kingdom's situation minus the plans we have set and other trivial things besides the basic knowledge.

"I will do my best to help you both then." 


CE has been gone for a while and many people were worried that CE disappeared again.

Father decided to go out and find where they went while we kept watch over the kingdom. Dad on the other hand is very angry and snapping twigs to keep himself calm.

"Dad?" I step closer and gently take the stub of stick out of my dad's hands before it turns to powder.

"Yes." He sighs answering me.

"You want a hug? I can also get you something to—"

He just looked at me?

"We should have a trip." He suddenly says.

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