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"What do you want?" I burst out, put on the spot with Aric's actions of the past week.

"A second chance," he replied, and I scoffed, emitting a bark of cold laughter.

"That's rich, coming from you. I should request your execution, if nothing else."

Aric exhaled heavily through his nose, following me through the snow. I quickly glace back-his footprint next to mine, what a pleasant illusion. "Would you please just listen?"

"I'm listening; clearly, I have nothing better to do," I acidified harshly. Maybe I was being too hard on him. But ever since the Ball and our infamous 'moment' that had Evelyn in my business, he'd proceeded to ignore me. Not appreciated.

"RJ, I know I fucked up. I apologize-it was petty of me to avoid you for the past week without so much as a look after what happened. It's something I'm unaccustomed to, if you can't tell, and I had no idea to react poorly without getting myself exiled from Camelot. Can you understand me?"

I halted suddenly and turned to face him, tuning out the part of me that admired him in his black cloak. "I can, but that doesn't mean you're forgiven."

Aric stepped closer to me. "Last week was wonderful and terrible; I barely got any sleep. To continue, I need to know your stance on the situation. Did you lose sleep as well, or was it typical to kiss a vampire in front of everyone?"

My eyes rounded in surprised, before I recovered. "I....I don't know," I finally whispered.

"If you don't know, then how can we proceed?" There was a more dangerous edge to him, now, with the question.

I felt myself simultaneously pale and flush, meeting his gaze head on. Our eyes clashed, fire and ice blending and brightening like two catalysts as the world bent around us, time a slave as we stared at each other. The heart of smoke between us drifted and curled hypnotically, myself attempting to formulate a reply. But I found none.

"Tell me you feel it, too," his eyes burned a brighter sheen of purple, red undertones glinting maliciously. Like a poison-blossomed spike at the tip of a delicate flower petal. Danger, disguised by something attractive.

"Feel what?" I bluffed foolishly, attempting to dodge out of the conversation.

"Why, the fire, love," he cooed before tilting his head back and erupting to flames in front of my eyes.

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