Sorry, I No Longer Care

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God, now what? Did he find out about the scims in his wardrobe? He must've noticed that I shredded his favorite clothes and tossed most of his crowns into the moat. Right?

Rowan and I glance at each other as we follow Rhian down the hall. There's no time to make plans-the doors are right there. Oh, shit. Here goes nothing.

I quickly smooth my hair and adjust the moronical half-cape that I'm forced into so I can even look at Fani. That deal was the one time I considered the fact that Father actually had brain cells. That thought quickly dissipated and has never been back.

The doors open and the first thing I see is Father's snooty I'm-going-to-frown-down-at-you-because-I-can look and Mother's accompanying I-can't-believe-you're-my-child glare. Oof, they really were meant to be together as worst parents of the year. That means I'm in double the trouble.

Rhian takes his place standing next to Father's throne on the dias, now the only one not trying to burn a hole through our heads or steal our youth. Rowan snickers for some reason, and I ignore it, but make a mental note to inquire why. Become one with your inner actor.

"Prince Rafal Japeth Sader-Mistral"-Ouch, the full government name identifying me as a relative of those two Halloween enthusiasts-"and Prince Rowan Allard Heroux, you two are both to be perceived as young gentlemen of the court. Yet you-"

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? For what it's worth, I'm sorry that I broke into your wine collection and stole some of the only things that make you happy since Mother recognized how much of a mistake I am," I interrupt. "I'm sorry that I dragged Prince Rowan along with me-just trying to live up to the reputation you forced on me as the black sheep of the family. I'm sorry I'm the one keeping your family from being perfect. I'm sorry I exist, but for the love of God, get a new hairdresser. You look like you just came out of some creep's 'fun basement'."

The whole court rings with dead silence. Rowan eyes me, but I shake my head almost imperceptibly. It's best for him to stay out of this.

"You disrespect me-"

"It's not hard to make you look bad, Father, you do enough of that by breathing," I answer tartly. "Stop forcing me into this mold that I don't fit. Just shut your goddamn mouth and let me be me. If I want a break from the courtiers' stenches and faces, let me have it, for Christ's sake. Try to be a fair King, and even though you have absolutely no clue how to, a good father."

More silence. Everyone is staring at me and the King, while I bore my eyes directly into Aric's penetrating gaze. Interesting.

"Japeth, I've given you a lot of rebuttals over your entire life, but this time I cannot find a reason not to. You nearly abduct one of our guests, break half a dozen laws in the process and steal from your brother. This has been building up over the years-it's time I do something about it. You leave me no choice but to-"

"Well, you can't find your brain-a reason is going to be a bit of a problem isn't it?" I shrug. "Listen, just get me away from all of this. You want to do something other than ground me and frown and look ugly and be useless? You give me a chance to be who I want to be. Not something you envision for me. Let Rhian be King. Die in peace or retire with Mother. Let me live my life without the title 'Prince of Camelot' dragging claws down my back. Please, Father?"

Okay, dramatics and truth. He should let me off to save his reputation. Boom.

"Japeth, go." King Rafal stares down at me imperiously.

I feign shock and slowness. "What?"

"Go to your quarters. We'll discuss this in the morning."

"But Father-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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