prolonged kisses in the rain

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if i were to ever fall in love,

i do hope it would be with someone i admire.

if not, then how would i respect them?

but then again, if i were to ever fall in love,

i hope it would be with someone i dislike

and i would discover them all over again, 

tracing their heart over my own

learning what makes them tick

and what they love,

and that,

that is true love;

pushing past your differences 

for something truly beautiful-

that is what i truly seek.

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Sable Cypress Snape - Anne Hathaway

how could i ever escape my brother's looming shadow, when it ensnares me in a hatred so deep i feel as if i may fall? 

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how could i ever escape my brother's looming shadow, when it ensnares me in a hatred so deep i feel as if i may fall? 

"  lily, you have bad taste in men. i don't just mean james, i mean my brother. he's not good for you. as much as i hate to admit it, he isn't good for me too. we just have to love him from afar-it's all he's left for us.  " 

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Severus Snape - Adam Driver

Severus Snape - Adam Driver

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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