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Chapter 13 – Crafted by Gods (2)

She needs to ask the dark elf what exactly happened, and if someone did see her, she needs to be fully prepared.

She opened the door and quickly went inside, shutting the wood close behind her. The basement was still dark, only the lone candle flickering in the middle of the room lighting up the space.

The little elf was curled up on the bed. His eyes were closed as if in deep sleep, his long lashes casting shadows from the candlelight.

Amelia sat on the edge of the bed and looked over the elf’s injuries. The healing ability of magical creatures was amazing beyond words. Only a few hours had passed, but the gaping wounds had already begun to close and heal slowly.

Amelia reached for the bandages, wanting to feel it against her fingertips when the elf jerked awake.

“Don’t touch me!” The elf said, seating up from the bed with an aggravated expression. The calm face Amelia saw earlier changed completely.

The elf seemed to have recovered from his recent blood loss, since he looked more awake than he was that morning.

He bared his teeth ferociously, like a little dog that was brimming with rabies.

Amelia thought the elf looked quite lovely despite his infuriated expression. Amelia looked down, suppressing her smile before mocking him. “Excuse me? Who would even want to touch you? I’m here to ask you a few things. I’ll leave after I get some answers.”

She stood up from the bed and sat on the chair a few feet away from him, giving the elf some distance.

With Amelia seated across him, the elf relaxed a little, clearly not as tense anymore.

He pushed himself off the bed, and leaned his back onto the wall behind him. He looked at Amelia, waiting for her to go on.

“Do you remember why you fainted? Did anyone else see you? Did anyone see you go to that alley?” Amelia fired continuously.

The elf just pursed his lips together in response, not giving her an answer to any of her questions.

Like a ticking time bomb, Amelia felt her life shorten tremendously from the headaches he’s causing her.

She sighed loudly, clasping her hands together before continuing. “This is a matter of life and death, yours to be exact. Don’t you want your family to know that you’re alright?”

The elf toyed with his fingers, his gaze dropping down to his hands. He, too, wanted to know what happened.

All he remembered was this crazy woman, and the narrow alley upon waking up. He couldn’t remember anything else.

The elf felt uneasy, and he didn’t know how to deal with his lost memories. He can ask the woman in front of him, but he’s still wary of her. He also reminded himself to not let his guard down, especially when he was not at his best condition.

When Amelia left earlier, the elf kept his eyes wide open. He refused to sleep, paranoid over the fact that he’s inside an unfamiliar place, and that he was kept by a woman he’s not familiar with. The sleepiness caused by excessive blood almost made him faint, but he held on.

With his eyes dim and mind blank, he could feel the drowsiness wanting to take him. But he sat upright, supported by his sheer will alone. Collapsing in front of this woman was not an option.

Amelia sat waiting for his answer, her patience already wearing thin.

After quite a while, the elf muttered softly. “No.”

Amelia blinked, completely surprised with the elf’s calm response. She stared at him for a few seconds before asking. “Did you happen to see anyone else when you got there?”

The elf shook his head.

Someone might be after the boy. Amelia’s forehead scrunched, worrying for the dark elf in front of her as she kneaded her temples with her fingertips, willing the headache to go away.

She’s not usually sympathetic to the people around her, yet here she is, doing it for the first time, and she managed to find herself in a complicated situation— one that involved dark creatures to be exact.

Even though she knew that this elf was a dark creature, she didn’t think that he would actually deceive her. She guessed that the trace the knight had come across with was intentionally left by a dark mage, which served as a distraction.

The real escape route must not have been on that road. The knight may have traced the wrong path. But she could not tell the Knight commander these things. She could not explain where she got the information. If she spoke rashly, it would arouse suspicion.

She stood up from her seat. “I’ll go out. You should rest.”

The elf lowered his head, covering his face from view. Amelia wasn’t sure what the elf was thinking about.

Amelia had no idea what really transpired that morning, and she didn’t want to pester the elf with more questions. She was about to close the door when she heard a faint, groaning sound coming from the inside.

Her hand froze on the iron ring, and she peered inside.

Sweat beaded on the elf’s forehead, drenching his honey-toned skin. He was back in his curling position on the bed, his back shaking slightly. Amelia could make out the bones of his body stretching his skin, which hid his strength from plain sight.

Amelia went inside the room, striding quickly as she kneeled in front of him. “What’s wrong? Does it hurt?”

She would’ve used her healing powers straight away, if only he’s able to receive it.

The elf’s eyebrows were wound tight, and his jaw was clenched firmly. Judging by his expression, it looks like he’s enduring a great deal of pain as he huffed in ragged breaths.

What happened next was like a dream to Amelia.

The elf’s matted, silver hair began to float up in the air, swirling as if it was blown by wind. His features changed from that of a young child, to a beauty that was unexplainable beyond words.

The bandages wrapped around him loosened its’ hold, revealing tight and toned muscles underneath, like a Greek sculpture. His legs stretched out, dangling over the edge of the bed but still in a curled position.

Amelia was baffled, and looking at the fascinating sight, she realized why elves were labeled as God’s creatures. She reckoned they were intentionally created to carry both beauty and power, and that they were beautifully crafted by gods.

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