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Chapter 68 – The Prophecy (2)

The overwhelming urge to flip the book was too great, but Amelia forcibly tore her gaze off of it and gave Rita her undivided attention.

Few minutes passed and a few knights wearing white gloves marched towards them and crouched down, covering the book with a white cloth before taking it away. The book will be stored inside a warehouse and bringing it out of its confinement was strictly prohibited; it was a precautionary measure to prevent people from being bewitched.

Amelia was watching as the book was taken out. She wanted to stomp her feet in irritation, her mind swimming with unanswered questions on what else was written inside the book. Looking at it so far from her grasp stirred anger within her, and it was like seeing her own possession be snatched out of her hands.

She took a series of deep breaths to calm her racing heart. Her jaw was clenched tight and sweat damped the corners of her temples, making her look so tense and rigid.

“What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?” Rita asked concernedly.

Amelia almost forgot that Rita was beside her. She plastered a smile on her face and assured her. “Just wondering about the bet, that’s all.”

Rita grew alert as soon as the words fell, failing to pick up on Amelia’s diversion as she responded, “A draw! It’s a draw since neither of you is right.”

“She’s right. It is a draw. I’ll leave the Chief position on your hands for the time being, but I’ll come after it sooner or later.” Debra piped behind them, making Rita roll her eyes.

“Then, she—“ Amelia started as she looked at the red-haired girl standing at the corner. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears, and Amelia thought that she must’ve felt horrible after being lied to, especially by someone whom she called a friend. Although she was finally free of the charges she was wrongfully accused of, her heart still felt like it was too heavy, rendering her so sad and disappointed.

“Let her go.” Debra stated abruptly, throwing everyone off guard. They didn’t expect that she would let her free just like that, and it was also decided that the disabled children were to be placed at the orphanage run by the Church.

Amelia sent the weeping girl away and a sigh of relief gusted past her lips. She tucked her hair behind her ears, fingers pausing as she felt that something was missing.

What is it? Amelia scratched her head, trying to remember what it was that seemed amiss and after a brief second, a realization dawned on her:

Wait, where did he go?

She only just noticed that she hadn’t heard of Alfonso elf ever since the Ceremony started.

It seemed like he ran away, again.

Damn! Amelia seethed, already contemplating locking the elf inside an iron cage next time, so he couldn’t run around whenever he felt like it.

Amelia rolled her sleeves up and went around the Church looking for him. After searching the premises to no avail, she went to the balcony and finally found the elf perched on the side.

When she pushed the balcony door open, the streaming sunlight caught her eyes as she was blinded momentarily, shielding her eyes from the glaring sun.

She saw a dark form lingering on the white jade floors— alright, maybe he’s not that dark, but the Church was draped in light colors, so pristine and immaculate in appearance that a shade darker than its muted tones would stand out greatly, and his eyes were piercing enough to draw her attention.

Amelia coughed loudly, making her presence known at the elf who was lying lazily like a sluggish cat. He glanced at her from where he was perched and snorted, “You’re so slow.”

Not only the elf doesn’t bother to admit his mistakes, he was also downright arrogant and frustrating to be with.

Amelia blinked, by the way the elf was talking to her, it seemed like he was in a surprisingly good mood.

It’s just that he was born with a face that looked sarcastic at all times, making it seem like he was teasing you even though he’s not.

But of course, there were really times when he really was in a mocking spirit.

Amelia neared the elf and stood beside him, looking at him as she crossed her arms. “You didn’t even bother telling me that you’d go out.”

Alfonso ignored her remark. He stretched out his slender fingers in front of her, raising his eyebrows smugly and a smirk crept on his face. He looked like he was proud of himself, and Amelia wondered what exactly he was proud about.

A book suddenly materialized on his hands, and Amelia recognized it instantly from the gold texts written on the black cover.

It was the book that was taken away earlier!

Amelia met Alfonso’s gaze. “Why is this book with you? How?”

His hand was still outstretched, and it was clear that he was waiting for her to take the book from his grasp. Amelia peered at it earnestly, seeing a faint movement across the golden texts like it was trembling in fear, edging away from the elf’s fingers.

“I just grabbed it to have a look.” He shrugged.

“Did you open it? Did you see what’s inside?” Amelia asked, eyes still trained on the book.

“There’s nothing inside.” The elf answered.

Amelia grabbed the book and leafed through it, surprised at the elf’s answer. “Nothing?” She repeated as her eyes scanned the contents.

The elf nodded. “There were just plain papers.”

Amelia recalled having seen pages full of handwriting earlier, and her heart thumped against her ribcage at the implication.

It seemed like that the divination witch was referring to her all along. The declamation Bella uttered was solely for her.

Why me? What makes me so special?

At this point, Amelia’s heart was thrashing wildly, feeling that this book would change her life.  This holds the answers to the questions that had been plaguing her mind ever since. She bit her lower lip, slightly hesitating and her fingers shook life a leaf as it slid across the spine, the book gleaming brighter and whiter with its black cover.


The black book opened on its’ own, and the pages where she left earlier appeared before her eyes.

Dark God, his appearance was almost human in form like a full-grown adult male, he has pale hair, and a dark skin color, and his eyes were the cruelest shade of red.

The only thing that differs him from human beings was the golden knife marks that were etched on his skin, permanently marked after fighting the God of Light, which is the clear indication that he was indeed, evil to the extreme.

Regardless of his species, one must not pray to him even in the most desperate situation. He is the dirtiest and the cruelest God there is.

If you go against his will, he will take your soul and crush it, and he will also turn your body into dust under his Holy Seat.

She could hear her heartbeat thrumming in her ears as she raised her head slowly. Opposite her was where Alfonso stood, bearing dark skin and white hair, looking at her with his scarlet eyes, and his golden scar emphasized by the bright sun.

He looked like the Dark God— like he was straight out of the book.

Oh God. Amelia dragged her palms against her face, moaning in despair at what she ignorantly did.

What will she do now?!

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