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"this should be it," ten mumbles under his breath.

his hands felt shaky and sweaty. he doesn't exactly know why he's so nervous. all he's doing is entering his new dorm room he'll be living in for awhile, but the nervous feeling persists. plus, he needs a chance to put his huge box down and rest and stretch his arms. ten could definitely use that at the moment.

then, he remembers — he's going to have a new roommate. that's why he's so nervous. sure, he's lived around his family for years but that's the thing — he's known them since day one. he hasn't met his roommate at all. plus, all his childhood friends ended up at different universities just to his luck. heck, one of them went to study abroad in europe somewhere. ten forgot the exact country, but he was sure lucky.


he sees the two beds with two nightstands against them on the middle section, a door for the bathroom on the opposite wall just a bit away from the small kitchen and dining table, and lastly, ten spots the huge windows and sliding doors that lead to the balcony. the space wasn't particularly big, but what more could ten ask for?

to finally give his poor arms a break, ten places the box down at his feet and stretches them upwards over his head, letting out a sigh of relief before lowering them down to roll his shoulders. ten allows his eyes to close as he continues to stretch his arms. by the time he opens them, it lets him see someone exit the bathroom. in surprise, ten nearly screams. instead of that, he merely lets out a weird noise between a scream and a gasp of surprise.

the other man looks alarmed, his eyes briefly going wide before returning to their normal shape when they meet ten's. he apparently had been expecting to see someone in the room with him either and got just as surprised. when, most likely mainly before of ten's noise of surprise. an embarrassing, weird one at that.

that's my roommate, ten thinks as his brain finally makes the obvious connection. what a great first impression. ugh.

"hello!" the other says, slowly making his way over.

"hello — " ten says stiffly. why did his voice go so awkwardly high-pitched? "you're my roommate, huh?"

no shit, ten!

"i mean, what else would i be?" the young man questions with a tilt of his head. but he's smiling. "i hope we get along since we'll be living together."

"yeah," ten nods in agreement. obviously. he's the first to strike up talking about names. "you can call me ten."

"then, you can call me johnny," the other responds with another charming grin. ten's roommate — johnny — seems like any other guy. his brown hair is styled yet simple upon his head, his clothing just a simple t-shirt and shorts.

"nice to meet you, johnny," ten says with a nod and a smile. "i'll just unpack my stuff. i have a lot to do."

"you do that," johnny says passively before adding, "or — do you want help...?"

he drags out the pause for some reason, which confuses ten. but when johnny stops, he clearly still looks like he waiting for an answer. ten thinks back to that box, still at his feet, before nodding. "sure, i could use it."

the movement of the rest of the things from ten's car is thankfully easier and quicker with help. johnny is basically a beast, ten notes, as he seems to have no problem carrying things. or, maybe he does, but johnny just doesn't complain like ten prefers to do instead of just dealing with it.

when johnny comes in with the last box, he swings the heavy thing around and easily closes the door with his hip. ten briefly turns around to see him do this, feeling slightly jealous. how isn't he tired? ten's arms feel sore and he feels the need to stretch them out pretty good before doing anything else major, while johnny looks like he just drunk ten cups of coffee.

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