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ten's still in a good mood during his fourth class, feeling awfully giddy. he and johnny were so determined on stopping each other from reaching their destination, they ended up being a minute or so late for their last class. ten has drawing while johnny... he doesn't know about his last class. he never asked.

maybe he should. ten doesn't know.

he was supposed to be focusing on sketching an apple, but ten could only think of the time before class, during lunch time. ten was still giddy with remaining energy despite running all the way to class. ten can't hold back the smile at all.

"what's got you so happy?" maew whispers as she leans in closer.

"what do you mean?" ten gives the basic shape of his apple another outline, a bit more darker than the first.

"you look like you're going to hop up like a rabbit and burst from happiness."

ten gives her a look. "that's... a weird way to describe me."

"well, it fits to me."

"i just had a nice lunch, that's all," ten mumbles and maew keeps talking though the other hoped the conversation would end there. their professor wouldn't be happy.

"that reminds me, where did you go?" maew questions in a whisper. "me and art didn't see you."

"i went out with my roommate to get something to eat other than cafeteria food," ten answers quietly. "we came back late."

"oh," maew nods. "you just didn't say anything, so — "

"ahem," their professor clears her throat rather loudly. "let's save talking for after class, shall we?"

"sorry," maew bows her head. ten simply avoids her gaze.

he's happy to finally return to his dorm afterwards, seeing johnny already there on his bed, his laptop open and resting upon his lap. his roommate waves with a smile that gives ten that weird fuzzy feeling — at a lesser amount than usual — before looking back at his laptop. he speaks at it in english, "yeah, i missed you too."

ten moves to put his bag aside, furrowing his eyebrows. whoever johnny was talking to wasn't his business, but he still felt kind of curious about who it was, though an easy answer came to his mind. it was probably one of his friends from the united states.

"no, i miss you more," johnny says in a teasing voice and a bright smile.

ten can't help but keep listening as he opens his bag to pull out his sketchbook to finish the apple. despite definitely having more than enough time to finish it during class time, he still wanted to add a bit more shading to it until he's fully satisfied. he sits down at the dining table and begins, pressing the eraser of his pencil to his lips.

"what's happened with you recently, jeffery?" johnny then says, running a hand through his hair. ten admittedly thinks the little action makes him look even more handsome.

anyways —

"mark getting into more trouble?" he continues on with a chuckle. the other person on the other end — jeffery — laughs as well before answering.

"no. he keeps asking me for advice about how to have fun during senior year."

"ah, of course he is," johnny then quickly changes the subject. "are you still seeing that exchange student from south korea that you fell in love with? you know, your prince charming to your cinderella?"

johnny's friend doesn't immediately respond. when he does, his voice sounds full of affection for someone. "yeah, taeyong's still my boyfriend."

"good to hear that..." johnny pauses himself before beckoning ten over with his hand. ten totally hadn't already been looking at him already or anything. "wanna meet my roommate?"

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