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ten rests his head on his pillow, looking at his phone. he wanted to text his friends, but he couldn't bring himself to. he doesn't exactly know why. perhaps it's because he's tired from being so excited during school or he feels a bit unsure what to say to them. he could ask about how their days went. ask about how beam was liking europe... he could definitely ask that.

yet, at the same time, he couldn't bring himself to do so.

ten places his phone on his nightstand and rolls over onto his other side. johnny had said he wanted to take a walk around campus and asked if he wanted to go with him but ten turned him down but now he wishes he had said yes then instead of no. it was definitely a lot more fun than sitting and laying around while doing absolutely nothing.

with a groan, ten closes his eyes and nuzzles into his pillow. it was really soft, though the pillow case was slipping off of the edge of the pillow a bit, leaving what was underneath a bit exposed. ten briefly pulls his nose away to pull it back, but it doesn't do much to help, since it just goes back to how it was. whatever, then.

it takes what feels like forever for the front door to open, revealing johnny stepping back inside. ten opens his eyes just as he felt like actually falling asleep, seeing his roommate turn around to lock the door with his keys. how late was it at this point? ever since ten let his phone go, he hasn't been bothering to check the time at all.

"are you sleep, ten?" johnny calls out, turning back around to face everything else. ten sits up to properly shake his head.

"no. why?"

"i ended up getting dinner and i figured you might want something too, so i just got you what i got," johnny explains slowly, carefully pronouncing each word. ten hears the rustling noise of a plastic bag and the smell of food grows just a bit stronger than it already was. his stomach rumbles because of it and it definitely gets ten off of his arse to sit at the table and eat.

johnny places the plastic bag on the small dining, right in the middle of it, before pushing down its side to reveal the foam containers inside. then, he makes sure to take out ten's meal first before his own with a little smile that made ten's heart feel weird again.

johnny is so nice to him. ten appreciates that. but, what he doesn't appreciate is the weird feeling he gives his heart. the brief burst of fuzziness that lingers before fizzling out. ten ignores it because he doesn't know why johnny gives him that feeling.

just like during lunch, they ate in mostly silence. ten wasn't sure what to say to johnny, anyways, but awkwardly look at him every now and then. his brown hair fell onto his eyes, leading johnny to keep pushing his fringe aside so it wouldn't be a slight annoyance. then, when he finishes, he just pats the napkin against his lips and around his mouth to get rid of any leftover crumbs.

ten then murmurs, "thanks for getting dinner."

johnny looks surprised since someone had finally spoken. smiling softly and with his cheeks a faint pink colour, he replies, "you're welcome, but it's nothing, really."

ten offers to clean everything up but johnny insists on helping out. instead of refusing him, he just lets him.

daytime comes faster than ten would've liked, but what can he really do about it? he is slow to brush his teeth and change into good, casual clothes for school. class doesn't start for another hour, so ten's slowness was excused in his mind. he spent the time waiting checking things on his phone instead of striking up a conversation with his roommate. once again, he wasn't quite sure what to say to him. like, nothing he wanted to say could come out properly to johnny.

what's up with that? first, he can't stop being drawn in by johnny's smile that keeps charming him. johnny gives him that weird fuzzy heart feeling and now he can't talk to him without being just the tiniest bit awkward. plus, ten can't help but glance over at him just to see his features.

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