The Good And The Bad

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"I can walk April."
Sadie huffed as April pushed her wheelchair.

"You know its protocol when you're being released Sadie."
They made it through the door of the hospital to find Kelly waiting with the front passenger door of the mustang open and waiting.

He walked up to the pair
"Thanks April."

"No problem, just doing my job."

"You ready to go Sades?"
He asked excitedly.
She shrugged and began to stand up. Kelly grabbed her hand to make sure she was steady; she snatched it away before walking to the Mustang, getting in, and closing the door.
April gave him a worried look, knowing it was not like Sadie to act that way.

"Is she ok?"

"She's been out of sorts since she found out her friend didn't make it out of the school."

"Have you tried to get Dr. Charles to talk to her?"

"She doesn't want to talk to him. He tried."

"Just keep an eye on her ok?"

"I am."

Driving down the road Sadie looked out the window.

"Are you excited to be going home?"
Kelly asked, trying to get her to talk.


"Are you hungry? We can grab some burgers from Cheval's."

"No, I'm good."

Kelly gave her a worrying glance, which she didn't see.

One Week Later

"Hey guys!"
Kelly walked into the common room for the first time since the shooting, he had been home taking care of Sadie.

"Hey hey Kelly!"
Mouch got up to hug him, along with everyone else.
"How's sadie?"

It was then that Sadie walked in, and straight to the bunk room, not looking at anyone.

"I don't know"
Kelly sighed
"Let me know if any of you figure it out."

He walked from the group to the locker room.

"She's been like this since she found out her friend passed at the school."
Stella told the group, as they watched the other Severide walk away.

"She's in mourning."
Brett said sadly

"And we understand that, but it's starting to become unhealthy. She's not eating, and when she does it's hardly any at all. She's always in her room either sleeping or watching tv. We barely get a word out of her."

"Well maybe we can cheer her up a bit while we're on shift."
Brett said optimistically, everyone nodded in agreement.

Sadie sat on her bunk on her phone that she finally got back from the police department a few days prior. After what happened at the school it was considered evidence.
She scrolled through her photo gallery, finding photos of Mari.
She didn't see Joe Cruze sneaking up, nerf gun in hand. He popped up from the divider next to her bunk and started unloading the foam darts hollering

"I declare waaaarrr!!"

As he continued to shoot at her.

More darts
"Joe stop!"
He continued

She stood up shouting, a look of anger on her face.
She picked up her phone and stormed out. Kelly came out of his quarters with a 'what the hell?' look on his face.

"I don't understand, she loves nerf wars!"
Joe said with a baffled expression.

Sadie made her way downstairs. She was on the way to the turnout room when Capp called her over to the squad table.
She sighed

"What is it Capp?"
She asked, sitting down next to him.
As she did so a loud fart sound came from the chair.

"Ha ha!"
He shouted
"Whoopie cushion! Gets them everytime!"

His smile faltered when he looked over, seeing her glaring at him.
She got back up from the table and went into the common room. Almost everyone was in there, including Chief Boden because dinner was almost ready.

"Hey Sadie, you're just in time."
Gallo told her
"I made corned beef, I know it's your favourite."

"Not hungry Blake." She muttered

Everyone looked at her with concern, she was always the first in line when he made corned beef.
It was then that Tuesday pranced over, happy to see her as she put her front paws on Sadie's leg. She pushed her away

"Leave me alone Tuesday."

Boden stood in the room, aware of what had been going on. He spoke up


"Yes Chief?"
Kelly answered

"Not you, the other one."
This got Sadie's attention, she looked up seeing Boden staring at her.

"Yes sir?"
She asked, not sure why he was addressing her by her last name.

"Come here."
She stood, following him into the hallway. Everyone else was just as confused as she was, they crept to the door peeking around the corner.

He led her down the hall to where the pictures of the fallen firefighters and paramedics were. He looked at the wall

"Do you know who these people are, Sadie?"

"No sir."
She responded looking at the pictures of the unfamiliar faces.

"They are members of this house who died in the line of duty."
He stepped closer to two particular pictures.

"This man right here is Brian Zvonecek, we all called him Otis."
Boden looked at Sadie with a quick smile.

"He was Joe Cruze's best friend. He was killed in a factory fire that we responded to."

He then pointed at another picture .

"And this right here, is Leslie Shay. She was a paramedic killed in an explosion that we were all at as well....she was your brother's best friend."

Sadie's heart sank, she had no idea.

"Sadie I want you to understand that mourning someone is ok. But you can't live your life mourning them. You live your life in memory of them. You hold on to every precious memory, but live your life in a way that would make them proud."

He looked down at Sadie, who had tears in her eyes.

"I don't know how."
She choked through a sob.
He knelt down, grabbing her hands.

"That's why we're here."
He had noticed everyone looking on.
"We support one another through the good times, and the bad times. The happy, and the sad. The easy and the hard. You are part of this family, and we will always be here."

Author's note: Ok I'm debating on ending it here. Do yall want more to this story? Let me know

An Unexpected Family Reunion: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now