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Jacob Eliordi
hello again
it was absolutely amazing meeting you
today :) .

Sandy Lynn
ugh it was so fun gettin to know you too !

Jacob Elordi
don't know if I'm going too fast
I would love to get to know u better
Would you be up for a date maybe ? :))

Sandy Lynn
I would love to Jacob :)
sounds fun !

Jacob Elordi
great !!
do you think that would be fine with Timothée?

Sandy Lynn
wait what ?

Jacob Elordi
Oh yk
I though y'all had something going on?
and he's really cool
so if y'all have something going on
it's fine !

Sandy Lynn
we don't have anything going on
why would you think that ??

Jacob Elordi
Just social media
but that's good !
when are you free ?

Sandy Lynn
whenever you r free :)

Jacob elordi
Is tomorrow night okay ?

Sandy Lynn
Tomorrow night is perfect !
are you picking me up ? Orrrr

Jacob elordi
Yeah I'll pick you up, Sandy :)
ugh I'm getting a call
Text u later ?

Sandy Lynn
Yeah alright !
ttyl :)

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