Chapter 17: Disaster Strikes (Part 1)

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So hey guys! Watch the video before reading it's important and basically will hint what's going on in this chapter. The song I think best goes with this is Airplanes by B.o.B


Levi's POV:

It looked like rain was to come...

After a few Titan's about to be in our paths, a flare was fired in the back, colored Red but soon a black one fired from the same squad. I had Petra relay the message towards Erwin's squad.

Suddenly, a purple flare was fired, but it wasn't straight, it was as if the soldier who fired it was being grabbed at the very moment.

That squad was the right rear, so next would be left rear or right flank.

Erwin's squad fired a green flare towards the right, changing our direction once more, I tugged on my reins and led my horse that way.

I kept alert as we rode on the path Erwin commanded, I don't understand what he was planning yet. I led my squad through the trees, we were running them at half speed.

Eren was arguing with Oluo how we couldn't see a Titan coming until it was right on top of us, he was right but Oluo said to just stop disrespecting a commanding decision.

Eren's point was soon true, I heard heavy foot steps sprinting towards us, "Everyone! Top speed!" I called out to them, flicking my reins twice, making Beauty run faster.

Beauty jumped over one of the fallen trees easily, I tightened my grip a little and kept her at a steady, fast , speed where the others could keep up but so the Titan chasing us didn't have a chance to get us.

I glanced back and saw it was an abnormal Titan about 17-meters , abnormal, and the one thing that stuck out, it was a Female Titan.

Reinforcements soon came, now Eren tried to say we should help them.

"We have to help them! We can't just let out comrades die because of us!"

That sentence brought back painful memories.

Memories, I told myself never to think of again but the images kept coming back. It was the day of my very first expedition outside the walls.

~ Flashback ~

My new horse, Beauty, sped through the pouring rain, I stopped when I saw footprints heading the opposite way.

"A Titan couldn't have slipped past me..." I muttered under my breath and looked around more, I saw the squad dead that was there.

I calculated in my head, figuring it was heading for Fargon's squad, my eyes widened at the realization.

Isabel! Furlan!

"Beauty! Run back to the squad!" I made her run to where the squad is, my mind and heart was racing.

....Please be alright....

I squinted through the hard rain and foggy atmosphere to see ahead of me, I tried to control Beauty from running into anything as much as I can, but I heard a scream and it all happened in a flash, Beauty tried jumping over a huge fallen tree and she tripped, falling suddenly, I landed on the muddy ground roughly.

Pain shot through my right leg as I sat up, I gasped softly at the sudden pain and I propped one arm behind me and I looked around the area. A flash of lightning came and my gaze fell upon a dead body, my eyes widened but tears didn't form.

"Isabel...." I managed to whisper, I knew it was no use, she was decapitated by the Titan who dared touch her.

I got to my feet slowly and brushed myself off, my uniform wasn't too dirty it was still pretty clean. I went to Beauty who was up again and opened one of the side pouches, I took out my neatly folded dark green cloak and put it on, leaving the hood down.

I next took out a flare, not sure if it would work, I fired a purple flare straight up, then put the flare gun away.

"Furlan! Are you here?!" I yelled as loud as I could.

I heard a muffled scream in response and whipped my head that way, there was a skinny 12-meter Titan with red eyes and an ugly face that made it look like a demon straight from Hell.

I quickly flew up, ignoring my injures and tried to save Furlan, but it was too late, the Titan ate Furlan, right in half.

I gripped my blades tightly and slashed at the Titan multiple times, it was my fault they were dead. If I hadn't left the squad to find Erwin, none of it wouldn't have happened!

My body soon grew weaker and I landed on the ground, on my knees, tears fell from my eyes and the Titan's fall made a "thump" sound from behind me.

I soon heard horses coming my way, I didn't look up, I knew who it was. Erwin and his squad.

"Levi! What happened here?" He jumped off his horse, walking towards me.

"Did you kill that Titan?" Mike asked.

I was now standing up, I quickly tackled Erwin, glomping him basically.

"Ah!" He said in surprise as he fell on the ground

I stood again and held my blade extended towards him, "I should just kill you...." I muttered

"Why would you risk that? Why try now?" He questioned then raised his brow, "What were your main intentions of joining the survey corps?"

The last question got to me a bit, "I-We joined to get the documents for someone, and to kill you."

He pulled the documents out of his jacket, "These?" He threw them in the water, making them destroyed.

"Why did you just...?" I stopped myself from talking, I took a step back.

I realized I can't kill him, I don't know what's so special about him, but I somewhat like him. More than I should....

"Never live a choice with regrets. However, I'll give you an offer. Choose to stay with us, help us get humanity back from the Titans, Levi you're a strong soldier and all of your charges will be dropped completely." Erwin said.

"I'll stay..." I replied quietly and put my blade away, I wasn't staying because of the offer but because I wanted to stay with Erwin.

I loved him from the start....

~ End Of Flashback ~

I was snapped back to reality when Petra and Eld yelling for me to tell them what to do.

"Keep moving forward! We can make it through this! Just stay together and don't slow down, have no regrets and we can make it!" I called out after a moment, my squad went silent at my words, Oluo and Petra looked to each other and said in unison, "Yes captain!"

We can make it. We have to. I have to go back to Erwin today.

I promised I would make it back and I never break a promise.

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