Chapter 14 (Rising Phoenix)

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Urgh. I am so done.

Why am I here again?

Oh yeah. I need to keep Kaito safe.

But did I have to be memorising hero laws right now?

I am slumped over the table. Eraserhead decided to take an impromptu pop quiz today, which has now resulted in me breaking down over the amount of information he had expected me to memorize. I am wondering right now, how do his students fare with him teaching? This guy comes off totally unbothered, but in reality he's a devil!

It seems he catches onto my washed out state, because he then says, "Okay, enough for today. Let's pick it up tomorrow."

I sigh in relief. Sitting up, I stretch myself. I am back to my healed self; Miran who made sure to cast his illusion everytime I had to go visit the League also would deactivate it the moment I was back, as it would put a load on the illusionist. I brush my now blue-coloured hair away from my eyes as I rub them, the day's work has tired me out. As I arrange my books back into my satchel, Eraser decides to get into his yellow caterpillar sleeping bag, like he usually does after every session.

I take a breath, before I ask him, "So have you thought about how we can get Kaito outta here?"

Keigo and I had already told Eraser about what Kaito was going through with the Commission. After the day that Kaito had been put up against me for a training session, he had pretty much got the idea of how the Commission went about grooming the heroes under their care. He had been mortified to say the least after Keigo had let him know how Kaito had lost his voice and had reassured us that he would help us find a way.

"As far as I've found out," he spoke, a pouch of applesauce in his hand as he lays on the ground in his caterpillar form, "The Hero Commission has a hold over a lot of the policies surrounding heroes right now, including how hero schools are to be run. I can convince Nezu to get the Commission to hand Kaito over to U.A, but the Commission will still be able to dictate what has to be done for Kaito's upbringing. Right now, they are set on having control over Hawks and knowing that they have the card to play against him is something they are proud of. I'm sure they'll use Hawks against Kaito if he doesn't comply with their rules too."

I slump over in my seat. What Eraser is saying is what I have been fearing for a while as well.

"So what do you think we should do now?" I ask him.

Eraser goes into deep thought as he slurps his applesauce, and it is after a few minutes, when I start feeling uncomfortable at his silence is when he speaks again.

"You might not like this idea."

I frown back at him, looking directly into his eyes, urging him to continue.

"Have you ever thought about approaching Endeavor?" he finally lets out. I notice the uncertainty that carries through his voice.

I want to get angry at the fact that he mentions the Endebitch, but I also know the grumpy caterpillar went through all the variables he could go through before he suggested it.

I take another deep breath. "What in the world would ever make me think about that flaming pile of trash, you sleepy hobo man?"

He sighs, "As much as you hate him, he's still your father and Kaito's grandfather. As I got to know from Shouto, he's recently trying to atone for his past mistakes with his family. Who knows, if he knows you're alive, you might get an apology long due."

Now that irks my interest.

That evening, as Keigo, Kaito and I sit together for dinner, I bring up the grumpy cat's suggestion.

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