The Elements

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"So If you are here then you already know what this story is about "

"Of course, they read the description"

"Once upon a time in a kingdom-"

"Get to the Good part would ya "

"I was going to, now as I was saying-"

"In an elemental kingdom there reigned four elemental kings fire, water, air, and earth who decided to split the kingdom amongst themselves-"

"No, they were living together in harmony until the fire nation attacked-"

"Stop using avatar references you have no rights"  

"It's not my fault that's how the story goes ok, and stop interrupting me. Ok lets take it from the top "

        Once upon a time in an elemental kingdom reigned four elemental kings fire, water, air, earth all of the people lived together in harmony until one day the fire elementals attacked there was war in the kingdom for years till one faithful day they decided to divide the kingdom amongst themselves but they were still playing tricks on each other like stealing from each other sabotaging each other and what not . So then later on each of the four kings decided to hire three trustworthy citizens and give them elemental powers that represents a part of their national element.
   So the fire king hired Aries, Leo and Sagittarius . Water king hired Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces . The earth king hired Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus whilst the air king hired Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. These people were the protesters of their elemental nation and this my friends is where their story begins.

"You could have at least saved some part for me"

"Well see you in the next chapter.bye."

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