The Fanatics 4

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"I know her she's a super villain from the future her name is Sue Storm also known as Fireball she's part of a group called The Fanatics 4  which consists of Fireball,her brother Johnny Storm also known as Guy Invisible because he has invisibility powers, Sue's boyfriend Richard Reeds also known as Mr Elastic because he has Elastic powers he's super intelligent and is considered one of the smartest people in the world and finally their best friend Grimm Ben he has a body made of rocks and is called Rocky.
The Fanatics 4 are actually famous in the future because sometimes the government uses them during crisis"said Nora explaining to the team about Sue.

"But like I said she's not a speedster so how the hell did she travel back in time"said Cisco.
"No sue may not be a speedster but like I said her boyfriend is super smart one of the smartest villains I know he could have easily found way to travel through time like using the timesphere"Nora answered.

"Well in any case we have to question her to get the answers we need" said Harry.

Everyone agreed with Harry's idea and went down to the pipeline to question Sue A.K.A Fireball.

When they opened the day Fireball just sat there with a blank expression on her face.
"Why are you here?" Barry asked
The question was met with silence
"How did you get here"asked Cisco
Silence again
"Who sent you?"asked Joe
Sue just looked at him but did not answer the question.

Nora still wearing her XS suit arrived in the pipeline late because she had to bandage her arm which was partially burned during the fight with Fireball.

The moment Nora entered the pipeline Sue's expression changed she looked ta her with contempt and anger in her eyes.

"Do I know you"Nora asked , but still Sue did not answer.
"Ok this is a waste time"Ralph said.
Everyone agreed they figured Sue will talk when she was good and ready.

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