Chapter 47

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Chapter 47~
Double update 🥳🥳

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Ashi just came extremely close to sid.. she stuck her upper body with his... And hooked her arms around sid's neck..
Ashi took sid's arm forcefully wrapping it around her waist when suddenly sid held her hand and twisted it turning her around.. Ashi wasn't prepared for it... She didn't think sid would attack back and so she lost her balance.. sid twisted her hand to which she shouted.. sid pushed her towards the wall and pinned her there holding her neck...
Sid(dangerously): don't mess with me... Till now I didn't do anything to you but you just crossed all limits right now...  You'll pay for it..
Sid pressed ashi's neck a bit more tightly.. Ashi started choking... He then left her... Ashi fell on the ground holding her neck and coughing, trying to gain her breath back...
Sid went a step back and quickly closed his shirt buttons and threw ashis top on her... And turned to the other side..
Sid(facing his back towards Ashi): WEAR IT FAST!!
Ashi slowly took the top and wore it regaining her breath.. she then stood up and patted sid on his back...
Sid furiously turned towards her and pushed her..
Sid(pointing his finger towards her): don't touch me..
Ashi took her hand back and sat on the chair..
Ashi: see sid-
Sid glared at her..
Ashi: siddharth.. let's talk on the main topic now...
Sid: You know what I just want to kill you right now but didn't... And is there something left to tell or do??
Ashi: see sid-dharth please listen to me..
Sid: stop acting Ashi.. i am leaving...
Sid turned to leave but stopped hearing Ashi..
Ashi: why didn't Avu tell you that your parents are alive??
Sid(back facing Ashi): doesn't concern you..
Ashi: but it does to you right.. Avu could have just told you that your mom is alive and told you the whole truth.. there and then you all would have caught me... I wouldn't be able to do anything.. you would have got your mom that time only.. and i would have been caught also the same time.. then why didn't she tell you all this before??
Hearing this Sid stopped and turned towards Ashi..
Sid: just shut up Ashi...
Ashi: you can shut me up siddharth... But what Avu did can you give me a valid reason?? She never had parents... What does she know about their love and care?? According to her there is no difference in having parents or not having them...
Sid: i don't think i have to tell you something... It's my life, my love and you are no where in my life... Nothing related to me should concern you... It will be better if you understand this thing as fast as possible... And stop speaking anything you wish about my Avu...
Ashi: i will understand it siddharth but when will you?? Avu is using you... She used you to reach to me... She is again on some motive.. she is going to use you and then throw you away..  she is a characterless, stupid and cheap bitc-
She was cut off by a hard slap on her cheek...
Sid: JUST SHUT UP ASHI!!! You have no rights to say anything against her... What do you think.. you can manipulate me against her?? No... never ever... You have done it once... I won't let you do it again..
With these words sid just left the room locking it from outside.. Ashi tried calling him but he didn't listen to her and just went away...

Sid was very angry and could be seen on his face.. his fists were closed and jaw was clenched..
He met bhav..
Bhav: hey what happened?? Why do you look so angry and what did she say??
Sid(griting his teeth): just some utter nonsense... She was trying to manipulate me against Avu.. bloody person..
Bhav: oh..okk... Cool down sid..
Sid: what do you mean by cool down?? I can't...
Bhav: ohk ohk.. don't scold me bro..
Sid just walked away in anger...
Bhav ran and reached near him..
Bhav: sid.. sid...
Sid: bhavesh just leave me pls.. leave me for sometime...
Bhav: but where are you going now?? At this time??
Sid: no where.. just for some refreshment... Nothing else..
Bhav: ohk... Should I come with you??
Sid: no.. and don't say anything about this to anyone at home pls..
Bhav: ohk.. come soon..
Sid: hmm...
With this Sid just sat on his bike and zoomed away...
Bhav returned home and everyone asked him where is sid as rest all were home and sid had told them that he had gone out with bhav... Bhav replied that he will come in sometime and he doesn't know where sid went..

Lets see what sid is doing and where he went...
Sid just drove in full speed and went towards a bar... He went inside and order a strong drink... He sat on one of the chairs...

Sid's pov;
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... My head is blasting with pain... My head is going to.... Oh godd... It hurts so bad.. first last night I didn't sleep properly, then office stress... Not only stress.. whole day I was running from here to there and then that bloody lady Ashi... God... And and what was she saying?? Avu is using me... she doesn't know importance of parents??? Huh... Avu is the person who knows the actual importance of them.. no one will know better than her.. that Ashi just increased my head ache.. i am literally so angry and irritated right now.. just then my drink came.. i took few sips of it but this loud music in the club is going to be the end of me today... Aaahhhhhh... I can't bare it... I just feel to break everything coming in front of me.. i want to shout and vent my anger... Oh goddd....ahhhh..

Sid just left his drink after taking few sips and went towards his bike massaging his head a bit... He sat on his bike and zoomed towards the mansion... He entered inside to see it all dark... He was going towards his room when Avu came and hugged him tight...

Avu's pov;
Sid is not home yet... It's so late... Everyone slept.. obvio they were not sleeping and waiting for sid  but i insisted them to sleep and that I'll be waiting for him... Maa told me to sleep and she would be waiting for him but now how do I explain her ki mujhe sid ke Bina neend nahi aati hai.. i somehow persuaded her and she went to sleep... It's almost 11 and sid is not home yet.. now i am having tension... I tried calling him so many times but he isn't picking up... Suddenly I heard the sound of the door opening.. i saw sid coming and took a breath of relief..i quickly ran to him and engulfed him in a hug but what he did next shocked me..

Ashi tried manipulating sid but was unsuccessful... Sid came home and Avu welcomed him but he did something which shocked Avu.. what did he do?? Any comments for Ashi?? Anything to say for sid?? Any guesses what is going to happen next??
Kal pata chal jayega.. but tab tak apne apne guesses comments mein batao..
Meet you in the next chapter..
Pls like and comment bhar bharke.. bbyeeee...

Words: 1276

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#lovehasnolimitxrhea #sidneet #abhinavi #jaireem #fainat

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