I Really Want To Start Over

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Me and Ash walked back to the pretzel truck but I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened with nate and maddy

He seemed really pissed but I didn't blame him Maddy really fucked up tonight

When we reached the truck fez and lexi were laughing

"Hey guys"fez said

"Hey" me and Ash said at the same time

"I'll see you later fezco" lexi said as she walked out of the truck and towards me

"Bye lexi and you d"he said blushing slightly


Lexi linked my arm and we began walking away

"So what haponed"i said

"Well I told him how I feel and he said he felt the same way and then he gave me his number" she said

She was blushing

"That's good I'm so happy for you both. Maddy knocked nates families chilli over and nate dragged her away"i told her

"Damn maybe they might break up for real this time"

We both knew they wouldn't even after everything that happened tonight the would still stay together.

We kept walking until Rue came towards us asking if we had seen her sister

We told her we hadn't and she told us to let her know if she do

I hadn't really spoken to Rue much since she came back from reheb she sometimes stops by at our house to talk to lexi or to borrow something from her but that's all. They were really close since they were younger so it made sence that Rue came by to talk to lexi. Lexi was always understanding of everyone else's problems, she was a good listener and gave really good advise. She used to always give me advise on what to do everytime me and Tyler had an argument.

She wasn't credited enough by everyone around her. She really was to good for this world. She deserved every but of happiness and she seems happy when she talks about fez and her feeling towards him so hopefully they make eachother happy. They both deserve it.

Lexi looked down at her phone to see that fez had messaged her telling her to come back to the truck as Ash had gone home and fez was alone

"You should go" I said

"What about you though I don't want to leave you all alone"

"Won't worry about me I'm going to go and find kat and bb"

"OK but message me if you want me to come and find you"

"I will now go and have fun"i said

"Bye"she said looking really happy

I was happy that she was happy

I messaged kat to see where she was

Delilah:hey where are you

Kat:I don't know its this place with benches near the carousel


Kat:hurry before the weed finishes

I began walking to find kat and BB near the beaches but stopped when I heard something

I heard something slam against one on the trucks

I hid behind one of the trucks near there so I could see what was going on

It was daniel and Cassie

Daniel had his hand around  her throat and cassie was struggling to breathe

"you can't fucking tell anyone what happened do you understand me"daniel whispered but I still managed to hear as there weren't many people around this area

For Him- Nate Jacobs Where stories live. Discover now