Vision's Origin-

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Theo and Pluto made it up to the top as Pluto fell asleep. He really wasn't doing well as they went in and rested. It took a while, but they were able to meet their competitors. Pluto was a mess while Theo met them, so Theo had to hurry up to check him.


"Something's wrong-" His voice came out choked and rushed. Theo instantly pulled him onto his lap.

"Woah woah woah... what does that mean...?" Pluto slightly pointed to the ceiling, a certain point of it.

"When I saw that... the vision came back..." Theo froze as he took a sharp breath.

"Then wait... that means... we're sitting inside the vision..." He grabbed his mouth. It all made sense.

"Papa... on ground... void taking his lifeforce... weird radiation... evil... light that saved me-"

CURIE and Urayne were going to attack, the building was going to collapse and somehow knock Kellyn out and right into a nightmare, and then Zephy was going to save them. But when? Theo pulled himself together before he rubbed his back.


"What do we do?" Theo gulped. "Between what CURIE said and the vision-"

"What did CURIE say?" Pluto gulped as he worded how CURIE had spoken.

"What worries me is the end... Do you know where you belong? Because I do. What does that mean?" Theo gulped before he smiled at him.

"Only one way to find out." He placed a gentle kiss on Pluto's nose, gaining his full attention. "Are you ready to end all of this? This journey and CURIE?" Pluto's eyes flashed before he used Theo's shoulders to steady himself before he gave the mostly-redhead a proper kiss on the lips. Theo's head spun as Pluto pulled away.

"Yes. Now, can I have the championship early?" Theo's face went red before he gave a little bark.

"Oh no! You're not tricking me into letting you win!" Pluto giggled at that as he neared his face.

"No matter who wins, I have something for you at the end." Theo's face warmed up as the announcer went on and gave out the battles.


Between the two of them, they swept the floor. It was the first seven gym leaders with three other trainers. That wasn't the hard part. It was the end.

Just as they were about to fight, sirens went off and the place was evacuated. Kellyn, who was shockingly there (We'll blame fate), got to the two boys just before they were attacked. Theo raced away to finish the evacuation while Kellyn worked on the panicking Pluto. That's when the building collapsed.


Pluto woke up as a green light eerily filled the area. The panic hit as he realized his father wasn't there. He was on his feet calling out in seconds.

"Papa! Papa!?"

A groan that was barely an indication came from a pile of rocks as Pluto's heart dropped. He ran over and froze. The void. It had already grabbed Kellyn's Lifeforce.


There was no way to stop it. The vision hit and it was bound to happen. However, the one difference was he wasn't going to let his enemy win. CURIE was around here somewhere. And they were going to pay for this. He pressed his forehead to the rubble and whispered.

"I'll save you, Papa... hang in there."

He turned to the source of the green light before he pressed a button on his jacket, letting his hazard suit encase him. He then sent out his team of 8, ready to go.

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