14. speak now or forever hold your peace

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      I watch as he stares down at the motionless figure. A cold, emotionless look in his eyes. I can feel the salty tears rubbing down my cheeks leaving a wet trail.

       "You are a fucking monster!" I cry out.

       My raspy voice echoed through the once silent room. I try to free myself from the two men grabbing onto to me. Trying to find an escape—an escape from all I once loved.

       I feel someone shake me awake and my eyes snap open. I look around and find Derek squatting down beside me with a worried look.

       "It looked like you were having a bad dream so I woke you up," he explains as he pushes back my brown locks, wet from the sweat trickling down the sides of my forehead.

I slide up and rest my back in the couch's arm, bringing my knees close to my chest and resting my chin on them.

Derek stands up and takes a seat beside me giving me a comforting smile, though his hazel eyes still hold a concerned expression.

"You know it's funny," he lets out a low chuckle. "We have been living together for almost two months and I still don't know much about you."

"I-" my mouth opens but no words come out.

Derek gives me an understanding nod. He reaches over to wipe the sweat from my face.

"I trust you'll tell me when you're ready," he says before standing up and heaving a sigh.

I run a hand through my hair whilst closing my eyes shot, hoping to make a decision.

"Derek, wait!" I finally call out.

       Derek turns around and looks at me with a lifted eyebrow. He walks back over and perks his ears up attentively.

       "Whatever happened to you Sam, you know I'll never judge," he assures. "I just want to know why you've been waking up in this state for the past few days."

I run my hands through my hair and then stare up to meet Derek's gaze. I look away and bite down on my lip.

"The reason I was so adamant about not getting a job at the club and sticking to my stealing is because I did not want my name to be out there," I explain, but Derek gives me a dumbfounded expression. "There are people from my past that I am running from."

"Are these people trying to harm you?" Derek asks as his concern grows. He scoots closer to me in a protective manner.

I shake my head and heave another sigh.

"I was involved with a man," I state. "A very powerful and dangerous man. He's been after me ever since I left my home country and now I think he has found me."

"Romantically involved?" Derek asks and I slowly bob my head up and down. "Jeez, don't tell me he is a mob boss or something."

Derek's teasing smile drops as he sets his eyes on my expression. The blood drains from his face leaving it pale and fearful.

"I was the bride of a mafia leader," I whisper.

Derek jumps back as if I have turned into some zombie or deadly monster. He paces around the room, throwing glances at me.

"Y-You mean to tell me t-that you're being chased by one of those—those murderous lunatics!" Derek exclaims before freezing. Realization dawns on him as his eyes widen even more, if that's even possible. "I am housing the bride of a murderous lunatic!"

I sprint out of the couch and place both hands on either one of Derek's shoulders, aiming to ease his nerves.

"Ex-bride," I correct. "I know it's a lot to take in, but you have been so nice to me. Letting me stay with you despite not knowing me that well. You're the first friend I have made in the past three years."

       Derek slumps into the couch and cups his face. My speech seems to have eased him a little bit. He runs a hand over his face before looking up at me.

       "Have you told Brian?" He asks.

       "No," I look away with a guilty expression. Derek remains silently, processing everything I have been hiding.

       Minutes go by and he does not say a word. I take that as my cue and begin to pack my stuff, but he immediately jumps up and stops me.

       "What are you doing?" He barks as he takes the duffle bag out of my hands.

       "Now that you know the truth, don't you want me to leave?" I ask. "It's dangerous for me to stay here and if D—"

       Derek pulls me into a hug and cuts my sentence short. It takes a few second before I hug him back.

       "You're my friend Sam," he states. "I will not let you leave and be homeless out there."


       "No buts," Derek shakes his head as he cups my face. "You have become like a sister to me Sam and I will try my best to help you be hidden from this mafia dude. I promise."

       I feel the tears swell up in my eyes as Derek smiles down at me. I rest my head on his head as he strokes his hand through my hair. He was like the brother I never had.

Author's Note Hola my lovelies! I apologize for the semi-late update

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! I apologize for the semi-late update. I have been busy studying for finals which are next week and doing my last few projects. But here it is! Samantha finally opened up about her past, however it was to Derek. Do you think she'll tell Brian soon? And how many of us wish for a best-friend like Derek, raise your hands? Leave your thoughts in the comments. Thank you so much for reading. If you enjoyed please leave a vote and share. I'll see you Friday with another update.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay awesome!
Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋

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