13. the ex's wedding

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I let my eyes wonder around the great hall. Small trees are set up near the aisle. Next to them are small bushels with tiny white flowers on them. At the far end stops the priest and the groom.

       David Henkins. He is a well-known plastic surgeon and up until recently, one of the most eligible millionaire bachelors. He is handsome with his light brown hair and matching hazel eyes. However, not as handsome as Brian.

       The large curtains begin to rise as the trumpets blow hard and the melody of the bride's entrance song begins to play. Every one of the guests rises and turns to face the side in which the bridesmaids are entering.

       I turn to look at Brian. His body is tense and his clenched jaw makes it obvious he rather not be here. As Dennis emerges with her large white feathery dress, Brian's fist clench tightly. His anger evident. I reach my hand to take his, slowly stroking my thumb over it to ease his emotions.

Brian looks down to see our interlocked hands. His eyes turn to meet mine with a smile.

"Thank you," he mouths.

We watch as Dennis makes her way down the aisle. As she looks through the different faces of her guests she smirks when she spots Brian, but it soon vanishes as she also notices me.

Although, not my favorite person, I have to admit she looks beautiful. Her dark locks running down her back in neat waves. A tiara embroidered with simulated diamonds rests on her head instead of a veil. I can't help but snort as she does her best for everyone to see her accessories. They seem like the real thing, but I know how to tell a fake diamond from a real one.

"We are gathered hear on this beautiful day..." the priests words fade into the background.

We all wait quietly as the bride and groom exchange their vows. Brian scoffing through most of Dennis' words which earned us many glares from the nearby guests.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priests says and the newly wedded couple share a passionate kiss.

       Many of the guests cheer for the couple as they walk down the aisle, now man and wife. Brian rolls his eyes and takes my arm in his.

       "And here I thought she couldn't be anymore conceded," Anthony mutters with a snarky tone. His distaste of the bride seems to match that of Brian's.

       "They really went all out for this wedding," I note as we walk into the reception hall.

       It is even grander than the previous room. Large chandeliers lit up the darken room. Brian and Anthony do not seem surprised though.

       "I swear she's such a gold-digging bi-"

       "I am glad you could make it," Dennis' voice interrupts Anthony's sentence. An amused expression on her face as we turn to face her.

       "And who may these lovely guests be?"

       Dennis' husband joins us and this seems to add fuel to Brian's anger. Anthony's lips press into a tight line.

       "Why don't you ask your lovely wife?" Anthony sassed.

       Unfazed by Anthony's comment, Dennis chuckles and wraps his arm around her husband.

       "These are some friends from college sweetie," she easily lies.

       "Nice to meet you all—that is quite a beautiful necklace you've got there," his gaze falls on my neck where the diamond necklace hangs.

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