Chapter 1, first day of school.

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A/N: I don't really know how american school systems work so I'll just go with the swiss Highschool system.
So basically there's 3 years. Because the age of the members don't really work, I'll just put the ones from a somewhat similar age group together :] Hope that makes sense. (I'm not gonna add all of theme since I'm not too familiar with the whole smp, so I'll just put the ones I know and watch myself, sorry if one of your favorites is missing!)

1. Year (Y/N, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Billzo, Aimsey, Purpled, Drista)
2. Year (Nihachu, Jack Manifold, Skeppy, Quackity, Fundy, Eret, Puffy, Sapnap, Karl)
3. Year (Dream, Wilbur, George, Callahan, Punz, BadBoyHalo)

The principal is Philza.
The teachers are Technoblade, Vikstar, Awesamdude, Mumza (Kristin) and Schlatt

-Your POV-

Okay, first day of school. Calm down Y/N. It's not like you're gonna get bullied. Haha. Ha... Why am I so anxious about people not liking me? Why should I care what they think? UGH!! I just can't let my other school experiences ruin that for me! What if I meet great people? Maybe I'll even make some friends. That's the spirit. I just gotta stay optimistic.

I wish I could just wear what I want, but no, we have to put on those ugly looking school uniforms.

~I open the bag with the uniform, go take a look at it.

(I know this is a cosplay uniform but idc😭)

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(I know this is a cosplay uniform but idc😭)

Oh... It's not that bad. Kinda cute actually. But I'd rather wear pants with it. Those skirts are mad short, but a pair of black pantyhose will work just fine. At least I can put on whatever shoes I want, so black converse(or vans, whatever you prefer) it is.

So I just have to brush my hair and teeth and I think I'm good to go.

~I walk down the stairs to go to the bathroom. I put toothpaste on my toothbrush, to clean my teeth and after I've finished, I take my hairbrush to untangle my messy hair.

"BYE MOM, BYE (Your sibling's name)!!" I yell

"Honey, aren't you going to eat anything? It's your first day or school so you definitely should eat at least something small." My mom replied after I have already opened the door.

"I just brushed my teeth, but I'll grab an apple for later. I almost forgot! Thank you mom."

I go to the counter to grab an apple from our fruit bowl. I put it in my backpack and give my mom a hug before I leave.

I take my skateboard and head off to my new school.

After I arrived I look around and wow... There's a lot of people. This school is MASSIVE! I hope I won't get lost here. Soooo many people...
I look at my phone to see what time it is. OH SNAP. I'M ALMOST TOO LATE!! Shit...

I run towards the entrance as I suddenly fall to the floor. DID I JUST RUN INTO SOMEONE ON MY FIRST DAY ALREADY? How cliché is this?

I look up and suddenly...
There's a tall blonde boy, with blue eyes.

"Did you get hurt? Are you okay?" He reaches out for my hand to help me up. He looks really cute... I wonder what class he is in.

"HELLO?" He says with a slight concern in his voice.

Dang... Did I just freeze and kept staring at his blue eyes?

~I start to blush after I noticed how embarrassing that was. "Uh- uhm I'm okay haha. Are you?"

~I grabbed his hand to get up and somehow I keep blushing

"Oh I'm glad to hear that you're okay. I'm sorry for standing in your way. I really didn't mean to!" The blonde boy says.

"No it's okay! It's not your fault. I should have looked where I'm running. I was on my way to my class and I didn't notice you standing there."

"What class are you in? It's my first day and I really don't know a lot of people here, except for some of my old friends."

"I'm in 24r. But there's so many people, there's no chance you're in the same class haha." I say with a small giggle.

"Well that's a coincidence. We're in the same class! As far as I know there's only three 1. Year classes, so the chances aren't too low. Oh btw, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Tom, but please call me Tommy. As far as I know Toby is in our class. He's a really good friend of mine. He should be here any moment."
Tommy says with a smile on his face.

"Oh yeah, I'm Y/N!
Aren't we late for class? I thought that it starts at 08:00 am! It's already 07:55am. We need to hurry Tommy..."

"Huh?" He looks at me with a questioning expression "Schools start at 08:30. We really don't have to hurry. You might have mixed something up hahah."

~I look at my School E-Mail to reassure that he's right. And he was. WHY DOES STUFF LIKE THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME? WHY? I turn in to a tomato due to the embarrassment. How did I mix that up?

"It's fine! Don't worry, at least we got to talk to eachother. Do you want to wait with me til Toby arrives? He should be here soon."

"Sure! When will he be he-"

"BOSSMAN!!!" A brunette, rather short boy walks towards us. That has to be Toby. He's still a little taller than me tho.

"Hello Tommy! Who's this?" Toby asks.

"This is Y/N, she's in our class king! We've just met" Tommy responses.

"Oh well, hello Y/N! I'm Toby, nice to meet you!" He sticks out his hand to shake mine. He has a bright smile on his face. He seems really kind!

"Nice to meet you too Toby!" I say, as we shake our hands.

"Okay should we head to our classroom already? I mean it doesn't hurt to be a little early, right?" Tommy says with a calm, yet giggly voice.

We walk to the class, talking to each other. After a few mitues of searching, we finally found the classroom. We go inside and the person who seems to be our teacher, greets us and she tells us, to take a seat wherever we want. We're the first one's to arrive so we could sit anywhere we want. I decided to pick the seat in the back next to the window, so I could look outside, since I always like to look outside, whenever class gets a little boring. Tommy sits next to me and Toby picks the seat on his left. I hope we'll become friends. At least I already know two people and they seem really kind! I think this won't be that bad after all... 

~I smile while I look outside the window, listening to Tommy and Toby talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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