Ch. 1: Darby Allin v.s CM Punk

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Darby's POV-

 September 5th, 2021. AEW holds All Out, live, in Chicago Illinois. Tonight, I face someone I've looked up to. Someone who I considered an inspiration. Tonight, I face CM Punk. 

 My mind had been constantly racing about this! This was honestly a dream match for me! So this happening is a pretty big deal. I may have been calm on the outside, but on the inside, I was jumping off the fucking walls!

I hardly got any sleep the night before. I stayed in the car all night, despite Hayleigh's protests. I had to explain to her that this was just one of those things I had to do. It was a way to remind me of just how far I've come, and it also allowed me to get into a certain type of headspace. 

 At around 5:45 in the morning,  I finally decided to get out of the car and go back into the hotel to check on Hayleigh. Slowly going into the room, I quietly closed the door behind me, not wanting to wake Hayleigh up. She's still sound asleep in bed. Grabbing a change of clothes out of my bag, I snuck into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once out, I changed into a pair of black ripped jeans and a plain grey t-shirt. 

 Coming out of the bathroom, Hayleigh was still asleep. I carefully crawled into the bed next to her and kissed her cheek before starting on her neck. I felt her move a bit beneath me and smirked as I started peppering kisses all over her face.

"Darby," Hayleigh giggles sleepily. "Hey, what are you doing in here?" She sat up, running her hand through her hair. "I thought you were staying in the car?"

"I had enough  time out there." I shrugged, giving her a small smirk.

"Well, I'm glad you're back in here." She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug. "I'd like to of never went to sleep last night."

"Because I wasn't in here?" I grin, hugging her back while leaning over her.

 "Yeah, I've gotten so used to laying on your chest and listening to your heartbeat that now when you're not in here, sleep is literally almost impossible."

"Why didn't you call me then?" I looked up at her while running my fingers through the end of her hair. "I would've come back up if I knew that."

"You said you needed your space." She yawns softly. 

"Well yeah, but I didn't need it that bad."

"I'll keep that in mind for next time." Hayleigh grins. "So, are you excited about tonight?"

"Well, duh!" I said in an obvious matter, making both of us giggle a bit. "But seriously, yeah, I am."

"Have you and Punk talked about the match at all?"

"Constantly! We've been throwing ideas around back and forth all week." I reply.

Hayleigh smiles at me, caressing the side of my face while rubbing my cheek with her thumb. "I'm so happy for you."

Smiling back, I leaned into her hand. "Well, this wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for you."

"Babe, I can't take full credit for Punk wanting to come back. Now being a heavy influence and pushing him to face you...Now maybe I can take credit for that." She giggled.

I chuckle, keeping my arms around her waist while I lay between her legs. "I owe you big time."

"You don't owe me anything," Hayleigh spoke softly, now running her fingers through my hair and lightly scratching the back of my head.

"You've literally helped create the dream match I never thought I'd be able to have." I leaned forwards and kissed her cheek. "So yes, I do."

Hayleigh smiles now cupping my face with both hands. Smiling back, I look into her eyes with all the love and adoration in the world. She lightly runs her thumb across my bottom lip before she kissed me softly. Kissing her back, we kept the kiss slow but you could still feel the passion behind it. Hayleigh moves her hands from my face as she loosely wraps her arms around my neck. We kiss for a couple more seconds before she pulled away.

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