Ch. 5: Something In The Way

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Darby's POV-

 Making my way back to my locker room, I won't lie, I was pretty upset, just not exactly sure about who I was fully upset with. When I got to the locker room area, I went to my room and opened the door.

"Hayleigh, we need to talk-" I stopped when I noticed she wasn't in the room. "Hayleigh?" I called out.

 Her stuff was still in the room and it didn't look like anything was out of place. Taking out my phone, I tried to call her. After the first couple of rings, it went to her voice mail. I tried to call her again but ended up getting the same result.

 Something wasn't right, I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. 

Hayleigh's POV-

 Now out in the parking lot, I scanned around, looking for Max. It didn't take me very long as I suddenly heard his annoying ass voice behind me.

"Hayleigh!' Glad to see you!"

 Taking a deep breath, I exhaled and slowly turned to see Maxwell, surprisingly, by himself.

"What? No Wardlow to keep you safe?" I comment on the absence of the taller, more muscular man.

"I sent him off to handle some other business-"

"You mean more of your dirty work?" I crossed my arms and raised a brow.

"You don't seem very happy to see me." Max fakes a pout. "What's wrong Hay Hay?"

"Cut the bullshit, Max!" I growled. "What the hell did you want me out here for anyway??"

"I just wanted to check on you!" He held his hands up.

"Check on me?" I repeated, now more confused. "You threaten to basically blackmail me with pictures and videos to  "check on me"??"

"You wouldn't have come otherwise, would you?" Max grins.

"Jesus, Max. Just get to the damn point!"

"Listen, I know you and Darby got into it last week. I mean," He scoffs. "It's not really a secret! Many of the guys have been talking about the tantrum Darby threw in his locker room!"

"What are you talking about?"

"After you left Darbs threw a whole tantrum! He tore his locker room up! Whatever you two argued about must have really gotten to him." Max tried to act like he really cared, but the slight smugness in his tone gave him away.

"You know what it was about." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Do I?" Max tilts his head.

"It was over you!!"

"Muah!?" He placed a hand over his chest, now being a full smart-ass.

"God! This is why I can't stand you!!"

"Oh, on the contrary, princess!" He pointed his index finger at me. "Correct me if I'm wrong- which I know I'm not. But isn't it the cockiness that you love about me? You said it yourself! I'm your favorite wrestler because I'm such a great heel!" He smiles, leaning closer toward me. "And you can't deny it, sweetheart, because it's all on video!" He held his phone up, showing the clip of me from the press conference where I mentioned him.

Glaring at the phone and then at him. "Punk was right. He said you'd go crazy once you heard that."

"I wouldn't call it crazy, but I am flattered that you at least have some smarts to acknowledge my greatness!" He lightly taps my forehead.

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