Now you only get it in your night dress

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"Sung, we've gotta be up for school soon, I don't think now's the time" the older brought him into his arms, enveloping him in a warm embrace.

Truthfully, the younger felt safe in Minho's arms yet the fear of him slipping away never left.
He held onto the older as if he would vanish at any moment, enjoying the comfort while he had it.

He didn't know what made him want to lose his virginity to Minho so soon, maybe it was just the hormones.

"I have to go to Hyunjin's party tomorrow" Minho remembered, absent mindedly drawing circles on the smaller's back.

"can I come?" Jisung asked, moving his head to look up at the older from his chest.

"it's gonna be at a club, I don't know if it's a good idea but if you really want to.. I guess" Minho sighed, yawning and stilling his hand on Jisung's back.

The soft touches Minho occasionally gave him never went unnoticed. They made his skin crawl in all the right ways and left him yearning for more when it dissapeared.

"that's okay" he responded, having never been to a club before. What's wrong with trying something new?

The conversation came to an end, the pair laying together in a comfortable silence as the TV played a show they weren't fully invested in.

Without even noticing, they both drifted off to sleep, forgetting to turn the TV off.

Jisung heard Minho's alarm blaring in the morning, choosing to pretend he didn't. He felt Minho get up, the taller boy just standing by the bed for a moment before trying to coax Jisung up.

"wake up, we have school" Minho shook him. Jisung grumbled and rubbed his eyes, keeping them shut and attempting to go back to sleep.

"Jisung" Minho said in a sterner voice. He curled up in the blanket more, hoping Minho wouldn't see him hiding.

"can we just not go..?" he whined after Minho's countless protests.

"school is important" Minho scolded, trying to pull him up.

"since when did you think that?" Jisung furrowed his eyebrows. He thought back to all the times where he would skip classes, miss assignments and sometimes not even bother showing up for whatever reason.

"fine, you got me. But we're going to school" he walked around to the other side, Jisung thinking he'd left and opening his eyes just to check.
Seeing that he wasn't in his line of sight, he closed his eyes once again only to reopen them with a squeal when he felt his body being picked up from behind.

"put me down!" the boy huffed, wriggling against the hold. "I'm not going to school"

"we are."

"you are." he folded his arms. "come on~ can't we just have one day off?"

Minho sighed at his constant whining, dropping his body suddenly on the bed. "whatever. I'm going."

With that he picked up his bag from beside the bedroom door, swinging it over his shoulder before exiting and shutting the door harder than Jisung would have liked.

So maybe Minho still had some issues, but it's not like Jisung could've expected him to change immediately, although deep down he'd hoped he had.

He laid in Minho's bed for the whole day, hardly moving and not bothering to get up. He didn't know if he was sad, maybe just lazy.

He waited for hours and hours, time going by so agonizingly slow it almost felt as though he was there for days— weeks even, only to find out Minho was probably not coming back by about 7:15pm.

He didn't know whether he should worry, but he certainly did. Then it hit him, 'he must be at Hyunjin's party'.

The realisation hit him like an oncoming train with no brakes, forcing himself out the bed and throwing on any clothes that weren't the ones he was currently wearing.

He decided that he would just go to the party and hope to find Minho there, only now realising he never asked where exactly the party was being held.

Cursing under his breath, he scanned the house for any evidence of where it might be like this was some kind of true crime documentary.

'of course he's not gonna leave anything useful behind' Jisung smacked his forehead, sighing in defeat.

Falling backwards onto the kitchen counter, he became startled when he heard the front door unlocking and clicking open.

"Minho? I thought you went to the party" Jisung had a direct view of the other boy walking in the door from where he stood in the kitchen, confused as to why Minho was home but glad it wasn't a home intruder.

"it doesn't start 'til eight." he put it shortly, chucking his keys on the bottom step before looking up to meet Jisung's eyes.

The older looked a little messed up. Not beaten up, but weird. His lips looked puffier than usual, and he had a slight red tint on his cheeks. Jisung brushed it off, thinking it was probably just the cold outside.

"then where were you?" Jisung collected himself from where he leaned against the counter, now standing straight. Surely Minho couldn't have had any classes this late in the evening.

"why's that any of your concerns?" Minho walked into the living room, Jisung stepping a few times to the left to enter the dining room connected to the living room.

This answer confused Jisung. "I don't know, what if you were kidnapped?" He stepped past the archway into the living room.

"I'm strong willed, I wouldn't let myself get kidnapped." For a good reason that hurt Jisung in all the wrong ways, he had to take a step back.

"what are you trying to say?" Jisung's mouth hung open slightly, shocked Minho would say such a thing after they sorted things through with each other. Minho knew what he had been through, maybe he didn't care any more.

A/N: next chapter is Minho's POV from a couple hours ago, y'all aren't ready 🥰👠