Flicking through a little book af sex tips

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Waking up for Jisung was like finally getting a breath of fresh air after being under water for so long. Staring next to him at the figure who lay beside him, lips parted so his mouth hung slightly open, eyes fluttered shut and remaining in a peaceful slumber.

Jisung didn't want to get up. Looking across at the clock on Minho's nightstand told him he probably should, it was 9:14am on a college day that should've started at 8am.

Knowing he'd be late, he weighed out the pros and cons of just staying home deciding it was best if he went anyway, also not wanting a repeat of the last incident when he chose not to go to college.

Looking over at Minho's peaceful face once again made him a little upset to have to disturb the boy, waking him up after he had gotten so little sleep.

"Min, you gotta get up" he prodded at him. The older boy started to stir, opening his eyes and forming a grumpy pout on his lips. Jisung couldn't tell whether it was cute or if he should be worried.

Minho turned over, glancing briefly at the clock before flying up out of the bed. A small "fuck" could be heard muttered under his breath as he walked out the room.

Jisung felt a little helpless when his hands got clammy, lifting himself out of bed so he could get ready. He hated his anxiety for making him overthink situations, and was almost scared to ask Minho for some spare clothes since he hadn't thought to bring his own.

Before he could even ask though, Minho was walking back in with a small pile of folded clothes. "these were washed, so you can wear them"

Jisung thanked the heavens as he was handed the items, smiling at the boy in return and wandering off to his bathroom to get ready.

Moments after he locked the door, Minho struggled to breathe after remembering the events of just a few hours ago. The way Jisung had treated him despite his own resentment towards the older, everything made his heart race. He felt his heart beat in his ear drums, he nearly felt sick to his stomach so much so that he had to sit down to take a moment, to calm down.

His head swirled with so many thoughts, nothing had felt real until now, not even the countless kisses or the confessions in the skatepark.

Hearing Jisung unlocking the bathroom door, he rushed to get back up and act nonchalant, as if he didn't almost creamed his pants thinking about how sweet Jisung is to him.

They only made momentary eye contact as Minho walked into the bathroom after him, locking the door and turning on the sink.

Staring into the mirror, his heart only allowed for him to think about Jisung. So, so much about Jisung. He smiled so wide, having to cover his mouth with his hand when the tears threatened to fall.
Splashing excess amounts of water on his face he pulled himself together, taking some deep breaths in order to slow his racing heart.

He finished getting ready with shaking hands, so energetic and jittery despite his eyebags from lack of sleep.

He carefully stepped down the stairs, almost scared to be face to face with the younger now. He was a magician for managing to keep a straight face when Jisung gave him the sweetest smile, stepping towards Minho to where he stood at the front door.

"I can drive us" Minho offered. It was one thing to be late for college but another thing to be even later, so taking the car would be the smartest option (or maybe not going and pretending to be ill).

"okay." Jisung watched Minho open the front door. "just one problem, I don't have my bag..."

"oh. well I'm sure it's better to show up without a bag than not show up at all" Minho concluded, walking them both out to his car. "I can give you some spare paper and pens"

"thank you, Min" Minho had to clutch his chest, exhaling deeply at the nickname. It was the one Jisung had used earlier, the most used generic nickname of his but when it came from Jisung it felt so different.

He mentally slapped himself in another attempt to get his shit together, passing over his bag to Jisung so he could take the things he needed for the day.

Once they had arrived at the college building, they had to endure the awkward conversation with the receptionist to explain why they were over two hours late, making up some excuse about a birthday party the night before and going to sleep far too late, which was only half true.

The corridors were bare as they took the opposite ways to their separate lectures, yet both boys had the same thing on their mind.

Jisung didn't want to admit quite how deep he had fallen for the older, he felt embarassed that it didn't really take much for him to be at his knees in an instant for this man, yet he liked this feeling. He liked feeling like he could do anything for someone, he felt like he was on top of the world.

'Mount Everest ain't got shit on me' He giggled thinking of the song, the lyrics really did make sense in his situation.

Opening the door to his lecture, Jisung was met with everyone else's eyes on him. It made him crumble, fighting back the urge to simply turn around and run as far away from that classroom.

The teacher didn't even question him, which he was grateful for, but his leg wouldn't stop bouncing as he sat utterly restless in his seat. He was lucky to be at the back, no one on his row but he still felt uncomfortable with the amount of people around him.

At one moment his eyes started to haze, going blurry and making him feel a little bit dizzy. He was so overwhelmed with the presence of other people and the fact that his mind couldn't stray from Minho. It felt like the room was closing in on him.
He was overthinking every little thing about Minho, every possible scenario was playing in his mind and it was all too much for him.

He had no idea how he managed to get through that lecture, it must have been because he missed half of it. Immediately after he was dismissed, he was bolting it to the bathroom. He ended up head deep in the toilet throwing his guts up, sobbing because he hated throwing up and he hated his anxiety for making him this way.

He slouched against the not so pleasant wall of the cubicle, head burried between his knees as he tried so hard to not go into a full on panic attack. The boy at least felt better that he wasnt trapped in that classroom anymore, but knowing he still had to pull through the rest of the day was certainly not helping him.

After sitting the whole ten minute break in the bathroom, he realised it was time to go to his next lecture when people began to leave the bathroom until it was completely silent apart from his own shakey breaths.

He was starting to feel somewhat okay until now, having to sit another hour through a room he couldn't leave to throw up again without everyone staring at him. The thought of having a panic attack in the classroom made him panic alone, needing to stop the teacher's lecture to leave was even scarier.

Getting up to leave, he had to regain his stability when his legs buckled a little.

A/N: anxiety isn't fun lmao