Ch. 1 Izuku... Just Izuku

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Izuku was an orphan on the street for most of his life.he had brown hair that was messy at the top but tied into a neat long pony tail at the back of his head.

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He was now a 13 year old boy walking around the streets with tattered clothes barely hanging on his body with scars littered around his arms and presumably the rest of his body.

Izuku was now looking at a young child with his parents having fun in the park but he looks away quickly not wanting to ruin the young child's day.

He then got up and started walking away. He went to the ally ways of musutafu city. He then heard someone screaming and he then quickly ran that way and saw a man surrounded by 3 men with brass nuckles. "Hey please I'll get you the money in afew days I just need more time". "we gave you more time and you came up with nothing now prepare for the consequences"

He then quickly ran in and smashed his shoulder into one the men and then spun around munching another in the face. The man he slammed I to a wall then tried to punch izuku in the back of the head but izuku dodged quickly with his wierdly fast reflexes. He then gets punched in the face with by the third man sending him to the ground he then starts to get back up when he is kicked in the stomach by the 1st man he then falls to the ground again. As the other 2 start to join in on the beating. "hahaha the kid thought he could be a hero what a loser."

The man who was pleading for his life took the chance to run away and he was out of the alley way before the 3 men could react. they then turn back to izuku and keep on beating him to a pulp.

After 10 minutes of the men beating izuku. Izuku was in very bad shape,but he then heard sirens of police and heros came in and took down the men. After that izuku fell unconscious.

Izuku woke up in a black void filled with nothing. "so you are izuku huh?"
Izuku turned quickly being starteled by the voice he then saw a man who looked exactly like him only older and  taller. "who are you?" "I'm you kid, or atleast one of you." "what do you mean?" "it means your my reincarnation young man it means you will inherit all my abilities and traits."."thats impossible" "then explain why we look alike" "..." "I thought so." "I am indra otsutsuki and you are my reincarnation and successor izuku. I come from another world but my father, the sage of six paths, reincarnated me in this world to help he foresaw a terrible event that was to happen and so our soukd was sent here to stop it. "." but I dont have a quirk how can I do anything". "you have chakra it is a form of life energy we can use it to preform inhuman feats we can use it to preform jutsu aswell which have 2 types genjutsu and ninjutsu. We also have what is called the sharingan a visual dojutsu that can be passed down by genetics to our children and their children. I will help you learn this all but since I cannot give you my abilities I will leave you all the scrolls of our abilities on your mind scape to learn from. I have no idea what the coming calamity might be but you must be ready izuku make me proud izuku Uchiha."."wait that's my name? Izuku Uchiha" "yes from now on that is your name you are of my descendants and as such you are part of my clan."."thank you indra I will make you proud" before indra left he said. "I will give you my knowledge of chakra and all my abilities but your training comes down to you izuku Goodluck" after that indra put his hand on izuku's forehead and a blinding light flashed as he felt all kinds of knowledge flooding his brain. Izuku falls to the ground for a moment. "ow that hurt" as he grabbed his head in pain. Izuku then calmed down and the knowledge settled into him. "goodbye izuku Uchiha" indra said after this izuku is sucked away from the void and brought back to the real world.

Izuku opened his eyes and closed it quickly because of the blessing white light shining onto him. He heard the door open and looked to see a nurse as she then says. "oh your awake ill go get a doctor" she then walks out and afew moments later the door opens as he sees a man with the typical doctor coat. As they start to check on izuku.

A few minutes later a man in a trench coat walks into the room. "hello young man my name is detective noamasa tsukauchi I'm here to talk to you about what happened." izuku nods to him and explains what happened.

After this the detective steps out the room and talks to the doctor and izuku eavsdrops on the conversation.
" the kid is 13 and was loving on the streets he was abandoned at birth."."we have to put him in foster care" izuku panicked when he heard the idea and he then got up and grabbed the set of clothes the hospital got him from the lost and found out them on quickly and jumped on the window as he kept running as quickly as he can.

He stopped when he got to an abandoned beach which was called daogoba municipal Beach. "this could work" izuku said as he then put his stuff down and started to meditate trying to find his mind scape.

Timeskip to afew minutes later

Izuku then felt the air around him shift as he found himself in a sewwer like area. He tehn turned around and found a library filled with scrolls and books he looked through them and started reading.

And that's gonna be it for this chapter hope you all enjoyed I'm sorry the pacing was wierd I just wanted to get out of the way to get into good stuff hope you all enjoyed and will stick around for the next chapter.

(1067 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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