It feels almost peaceful. The birds singing in the trees... I can hear the wind brushing against me. I can hear the patting of the rain against the ground. It feels odd. Like I'm almost happy for once. Happy when it's all over. I can't turn back now; I've made up my mind. I hear my feet against the tracks. Pat, pat, pat. I feel my hair blowing in the wind. As I come closer, I see the edge. The cliff edge. Something is leading me to it, like it's my fate, my destiny.
I look over the edge. Its high, very high. I feel dizzy and dazed. I feared heights when I was young. I thought I overcame it... But- now I'm not so sure. I sit down, my legs hanging off the edge. I think. I can't honestly remember what I was thinking... It was a blur. I remember thinking about my family though... What they might think after I'm gone. Suddenly, i hear more patting... Footsteps. A guy about my age sits down beside me. His legs too, hanging like mine. We both stared into the distance and before I knew it, we were talking. He had the same plan as me. We talked about our worries, our concerns. He seemed nice.
And then only a few moments later, we were walking away from the cliff edge...hand in hand.
I guess I saved two lives today...mine... And his.
the edge
Short Storythis was for my drama school. it's a monologue/1 person production.